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Beats that occur in rapid succession are heard as a rhythmic unit….

Beats that occur in rapid succession are heard as a rhythmic unit. Within each unit, the unaccented beats are heard as a subsidiary grouping. Which statement is probably the LEAST defensible given these two sentences?

Question 38 options:

  The unified perception of beats occurring in rapid succession illustrates the principle of proximity.
  The grouping of the unaccented beats illustrates the principle of similarity.
  The unified perception of beats occurring in rapid succession illustrates the principle of closure.
  The grouping of the unaccented beats illustrates the principle of proximity.


Our perception that a melody should “end” on the tonic note of a scale, or a note implied by the progression of a melody, is known as ______.

Question 40 options:



Part of this exercise included listening to (and watching) the notes played for two versions of the melody “Shave and a Haircut.” Based on what you observed, which of the following is TRUE?

Question 41 options:

  Both versions lacked closure.
  The “full” version of the melody used the diatonic scale, while the “shorter” version used the pentatonic scale.
  The “shorter” version of the melody could easily be perceived as lacking closure.
  The “shorter” version of the melody revealed dissonance, while the “full” version did not.


Which of the following is TRUE when one compares Western versus non-Western music (such as Indian Raga style music)?

Question 45 options:

  The majority of notes from Indian music do not fall at the same frequencies as the notes from Western music.
  There are only a few more notes employed within Indian scales compared to Western scales.
  Indian musical compositions can be readily played on an array of traditional Western instruments.
  The use of timbre in Indian music is radically different from its Western counterparts.


Part of this exercise included listening to (and watching) a video of Ravi Shankar and his daughter perform a selection of Indian music played on a stringed instrument called a sitar. If you, or someone else, have played guitar for many years and are proficient using this instrument, what should be expected if the attempt were made to perform the same Indian music on a guitar (a Western instrument)?

Question 46 options:

  A player will only need to learn one scale of Indian music.
  There are only a few more notes that need to be learned to play Indian music.
  There are the same number of notes for Indian music as Western music.
  The player will soon discover the Indian music cannot be played on a guitar.


What gestalt principles appear to be responsible for our perception of a coherent melody when listening to two separate and different random sequences played in different ears together?

Question 56 options:

  proximity and similarity
  similarity and closure
  good continuation and closure
  proximity and good continuation


Part of this exercise included listening to two series of notes, sometimes played only in one ear at a time, sometimes played in both ears together. Based on your experience with this illustration, which of the following is TRUE?

Question 57 options:

  The notes played from either sequence alone lack melody, and are perceived as a random sequence when heard in only one ear.
  The notes played from the left ear sequence played alone are perceived as having melody.
  The notes played from the right ear sequence played alone are perceived as having melody.
  Interestingly, the notes played from both sequences together can be perceived as both having melody AND appearing random when heard in both ears simultaneously.


A tritone is ______.

Question 58 options:

  a fundamental plus three harmonics
  a synonym for “octave”
  a three-note chord
  half an octave