Answered step-by-step
An Overview of Developmental Differences Part A – Based on the…

An Overview of Developmental Differences

Part A – Based on the chapter and the following video, share 5 benefits and 5 disadvantages of labeling.


Negative effects of labeling (5 min 45 sec)



Part B – Watch the following video and answer the questions.

Stella Young – Ted Talk – (9 min 26 sec):


– What resonates with you from Stella’s talk? 

– What might you need to change or update in the way you view and interact with children with disabilities?


Part C – Loose parts creation

The two over-riding questions of the chapter are as follows:

1. What is normal or typical development?

2. Who are children with exceptionalities?

Collect loose parts and natural materials from your house or around your house, or from your work. Using loose parts and natural materials, create your representation of your image of the child (ren) with exceptionalities. When you are done with your creation, take a picture and post it. Include an explanation of your creation.


Cognitive Delays and Advanced Developmental Abilities


Read the article: Building a cohesive multimodal environment for diverse learners in the content

– Read the case scenario on page 112 – Helping Tanisha

– Read the strategies and ideas for programming on page 113

Part D- Answer the following question: How can the educator support Tanisha’s successful inclusion in the program?

Could you use a quote and reference to support your answer?


Read chapter 7 – Advanced Cognitive and Developmental Abilities: Gifted Children

Gifted children – Watch the following videos.


Visions – gifted children (3 min 56 sec)

I am gifted (3 min 57 sec)

Inside the mind of Jaxon Cota- An 11-year-old kid genius (5 minutes) 

Gifted and talented children: signs and identification (4 min 58 sec)


Young children who are gifted and demonstrate advanced verbal skills often develop their primary relationships with adults and are less successful in their social and emotional interactions with their peers.


Part E – Share a strategy you can use to help gifted young children develop more effective peer relationships in your classroom.


Use a quote and reference to support your response.




Sensory Impairments: Hearing and Vision


A – Using Sign Language to support all learners! View the video in the content. Find a different video on youtube with simple instructions for using sign language in a common song for young children.  You could also adapt a traditional song from your culture and record yourself!  Post the link and we’ll have a library of resources to share!

Chapter 9 – Orthopedic and Other

Health Conditions

B – Universal Design for Learning

Part F

What did you learn about Universal Design for Learning? 


Based on your readings from the chapter and from the two videos answer the questions below.


relies on 3 considerations: offering multiple ways for children to access or engage with materials and information (engagement); offering multiple ways for children to represent their ideas (representation); and multiple ways for children to express what they know (action and expression).  Using the examples and information from the chapter, the link, and the videos as a guide, what area of your play space or one activity you could modify using the 3 aspects?  How could you ensure that children with a variety of abilities or needs could participate with the materials or activity? Describe your ideas for providing multiple ways for children to get engaged, to share their ideas, and to express themselves.


Use a quote and reference to support your response.



Allen, K. E., Cowdery, G. E., Paasche, C. L., Langford, R., Nolan, K., & Cipparrone, B. (2021). Inclusion in early childhood programs (7th Canadian ed.). Cengage Learning, Inc.