Answered step-by-step
Culminating Project (20%) – Child Care Assistant Program.  …

Culminating Project (20%) – Child Care Assistant Program.


 Description: Over the course of your in-school program, you have been learning about the stages of child development, influences that impact behaviour, and making connections to How Does Learning Happen and the ELECT document. The goals of this project is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and skills with respect to being able to plan activities that engage children and meet their needs; to make connections to presentations from early learning experts; and to prepare for placement. 


Part A: Planning Centres and Activities for Preschoolers. (Activity/Centre Planning is age appropriate and meets the needs of children at their developmental stage)


Create twoactivities/centres from the list below that will support the interests of preschoolers. You should be able to make a connection to ELECT to explain how your activity/centre supports preschoolers by selecting at least two domains and making connections to some of the root skills in each of those domains. Your write up must include the following: 


a. Activity/Centre description (include pictures where possible if needed to help explain your idea) 


b. Parent-friendly sign that explains what the child is learning while playing at this centre or activity.  The format should be as follows:  When we _________________ at this centre/activity, we are learning __________________________.  Feel free to make connections to ELECT as well for the parents to understand.


c. Child-friendly sign or series of signs that provide the child with visual cues to follow (eg. steps to complete the task, signs for roles at the drama centre, vocabulary related to the theme of the centre with pictures). Remember that these are child-friendly signs to help the children learn new words while at your activity or to understand the steps they need to take.


d. Explanation of how this centre/activity connects to at least two domains (select a few root skills from each of those domains and explain how these root skills are supported).  Include the Root Skill Number and Name of the Root Skill when doing your explanation.


Choices:     Dramatic Arts Centre – Eg. Theme that helps children with their social skills and is related to their interest where they can role-play


Physical Activity for Outdoors – Eg. Whole group game that you lead; small group activity that children can choose to do that you have set up outside


Found Materials Activity – this can turn into an art activity or science activity or social skills activity; there is a lot you can do with found materials


Science-based Activity – it could be led by an adult to get them started and then they explore in small group with less help from the adult




Part B:  Tip Sheet for Parents

(Tip Sheet clearly communicates topic that supports early learning and well-being to a parent/guardian audience).


When families drop off their children there may be an interesting “Did You Know” tip sheet that you can share with families to support building a connection and to help them support their child’s development and well-being. Your tip sheet can be in the form of a one or two page brochure on Word or a PowerPoint (2 – 4 slides).  Choose from one of the following topics:


Importance of reading with your child, tips for how to read, and a recommended book list (eg. 3 – 5 books)
How to reduce your child’s anxiety and stress to support self-regulation (include where they can get more information)
Protecting your child against seasonal illnesses (eg. Flu) (include where they can get more information)
Games they can play at home to support exploration and inquiry.