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EDU220: Educational Psychology: Discussion Unit 8 (Lesson 15)  …

EDU220: Educational Psychology: Discussion Unit 8 (Lesson 15)


The initial task was to answer the following: Take something from the learning this week and talk about how you will apply it in your classroom.

What must be done now is to respond to 2 people with a minimum of 100 w0rds. What would you reply to him?


Person 1 Opinion

Courtney Stevenson

Hi all, 

I had learned that there is no real evidence that there are different “learning styles” such as visual and auditory learners. The video was a real eye opener since I have always thought of myself as a “visual learner”. As I sit here and wonder more about how I learn, I realize that I need both to learn. I like the visual aspect because I can see what is happening, but I also need a verbal explanation on what it is I’m looking at. Since I have learned this, how I can apply this in my classroom is to provide students with both visual and auditory learning. I will show a demonstration on how the activity is done, while verbalizing the steps on accomplishing this task. 

Books with pictures help to visualize the situation that is happening, and the words add a more specific detail to the story. But to make it more understandable, maybe we need to apply real life situations that the students may be experiencing at the moment to fully relate to the story that is being told. Classroom and school rules are a great example to have visuals, words, and verbal explanations for the student to understand. 

Person 2 Opinion

Jessica Keen

This weeks exploration of learning styles really helped to bring to light to me just how many versions/ options there really are. While many of the ways explained in our reading sounded familiar, I really didn’t put them all together as possible learning styles. With education I had really only focused on VARK (Visual, Auditory, Reading, and Kinesthetic) so far, but after this week, I know know that you can’t pigeon-hole learning into one way or another. I did like the concept and thinking that sometimes learning is best done in certain ways based on the subject being taught, such as visual for geography and geometry.

 I have been in a para for many years, and one teacher gives her high school students a learning style quiz at the beginning of every year. She feels it helps them to understand the best ways that they will learn, but after the reading I can see how that might not always be the best approach. Some students might take the quiz as the absolute truth and then may shut out any style of teaching that doesn’t match what their quiz said. What the students need to understand is many times it is a mix of learning styles that really helps the material sink in to understanding. By understanding this concept, I Hope to utilize a variety of teaching styles in my classroom. Some lessons in math work well with manipulatives, other areas I will need to verbally teach the lesson while working problems on the board so they can listen and see, I will turn some lesson into games/ puzzles for them to logically work their way through. Understanding that just as every student is an individual, they each learn in their own unique ways will help me to keep my mind open  and observant, and I can work to help find ways that can help understanding click for them.