lilyfogg96Please read article attached below and help me answer the article…Please read article attached below and help me answer the article analysis questions.Questions: 1) Identify the following:Independent variable(s): Specify their names in APA format (i.e., capitalized) and the specific levels of each.Dependent variable(s): Specify in a name or short phrase and note how it was measured. If there are more than two, select the two most important.The primary experimental hypothesis?Important concepts: State the main ideas and concepts underlying the research. Modern articles show this in the form of keywords. If it is an older article, you will need to and for this information from the abstract and/or Introduction section. If you are stuck, look up the article in sake info and see how it was cataloged via the keywords.2) Identify at least one operational definition: just as with the Operational Definitions homework assignment, pick either an IV or a DV and specify how it was manipulated or measured.3) What are important theories/empirical findings related to the study?Theories. What theory/ theories informed the work?Empirical findings: most of this will be found in the Results section. State the main findings in your own words.4) Specify the experimental design in the same way that you previously did in the Identifying Variables and Experimental Design homework. Use one of the following templates, as appropriate for studies with either just one IV or 2 or more IVs:  5) Identify at least one control variables or conditions: These are factors that the experimenter held constant, but are not independent variables. 6) What inferential statistical analyses were conducted? Inferential statistics are those for which probability values are provided. Do NOT include means, standard deviations, etc. These are descriptive statistics. Check Results section for this information.7)  Did the author(s) say whether the results supported the hypothesis? 8)  What critique did the author(s) offer for their own study or how did they suggest the study could be extended?Image transcription textGender Differences in the Effects of Acute Stress on SpatialAbility Kara I. Gabriel . Stephen M. Hong . Marvin Chandra . SusanD. Lonborg . Cynthia L. Barkley Published online: 11 Se… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text82 Sex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 performance correlates with theability to use Euclidean- or Silverman et al. 1999) and women(Burkitt et al. 2007). In orientation-based spatial navig… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 83 . It was hypothesized that genderdifferences in cue 2006; Buchanan et al. 2006; van Stegeren et al.2008) perception or MR would be observed under con… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text84 Sex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 After behavioral testing wascompleted, a two-part condition differences in response to theeight items on the questionnaire was used to assess st… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 85 Table 2 Mean + SD for measures ofspatial performance Control CPS on the cuc isolation and MRtasks and for spatial Men (n-34) Women (a-40) Men (n… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text86 Sex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 3500 7080 Control had functionmeans of -.300 and -.180, respectively. As 3000 6000 predicted,these results suggest that gender differences were mo… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textSex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 87 conditions at identifying distal andproximal pinpoint cues, task difficulty is increased. These resultssuggest that women corresponding with the typically-… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text88 Sex Roles (2011) 64:81-89 ligations continue into the effectsof acute stress on spatial De Lisi, R., & Cammarano, D. M.(1996). Computer experience and ability, these finding… Show more… Show morePlease help, I will give the best rating. I am stuck on this. Social SciencePsychology