ksilahiWhat three features of e-books increase engagement for struggling…What three features of e-books increase engagement for struggling readers? How do they increase a reader’s confidence?Describe 3 reasons “Why the Brain Prefers Paper” when reading.  Ferris’s article references a 2011 study where students took an exam on either paper or the computer.  When timed, the groups’ performances were equal. When untimed the group that took the paper format performed 10% better.  What do you think is the reason?  What can you do to ensure students approach online assessments with the same studiousness as those given on paper?What concerns, comments, questions do you have about using Hyperdocs or Wakelet for inquiry-based online activities?(might b check this link for question 3 answer) https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/hyperdocs/Note: i attached all material for answer according) Image transcription textX The Learning Potential of e-Books_.pdf 85% 1 6 TT … TheLearning Potential of e-Books Built-in dictionaries, audio support,and other features make e-books a valuable addition t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX The Learning Potential of e-Books_.pdf 83% 3 / 6 TT … suit theirindividual learning needs experience. To learn more about how bymodeling fluent pronunciation and Dobler, 2015). stud… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX The Learning Potential of e-Books_.pdf 88% 4 / 6 TT … Tips forSuccessful e-Book Implementation 1. Get started. Tablet ande-book readers range in price Begin by asking a few ba… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhy the brain prefers paperpdf @??l—IQBPIDQBUi/B o§Tr Whythe brain prelers paper Authors: Jabr. Ferris Source: ScientificAmerican (SCl AM). N0v2013; 309(5)’ 48-53. (5p) Wh… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWhy the brain prefers paperpdf gqnagoaaau zraoaTrba them. Asthe resolution of screens on all Kinds of devrces sharpened,however, a more mixed set at findings began to emerg… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX Why the brain prefers paper.pdf m Q 84% 80 3 / 8 TT … Beyondtreating individual letters as physical objects, the human brainmay also perceive a text in its entirety as a kind of phys… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX Why the brain prefers paper.pdf Q 84% 4 8 TT … by AnneMangen of the University of Stavanger in Norway and hercolleagues, 72 10th grade students studied one narrati… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX Why the brain prefers paper.pdf Q 84% 80 5 / 8 TT … documentonce and only once. When reading on screens, individuals seemless inclined to engage in what psychologists call meta… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX Why the brain prefers paper.pdf Q 84% 80 6 / 8 TT … they andtheir children prefer print books over e-books when readingtogether. Nearly identical results followed two studies… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX Why the brain prefers paper.pdf Q 84% 8 O 7 / 8 TT … To amendthis sensory incongruity, many designers have worked hard tomake the e- reader or tablet experience as close to rea… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textX Why the brain prefers paper.pdf 84% O 8 / 8 TT … ScientificAmerican is a registered trademark of Nature America, Inc. and itscontent may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textlof3 o Read Abstract Online June 2012i Volume 69 StrongReaders AI E-Fteaders: Powering Up for Engagement TwylaMiranda. Kary A. Johnson and Dara Flossirerliams At t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage 2 of 4 – ZOOM + manage the e-reader and its features. Theyquickly figured out how to adjust the font size, choose horizontalor vertical orientations, and play with the voice-to-tex… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPage < 3 of 4 - ZOOM +http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational_leader... Show more... Show more Social SciencePsychology