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Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a within-participants…

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a within-participants design?

Group of answer choices

it is relatively immune to carryover effects


it usually yields a more sensitive assessment of the effects of the independent variable(s)


it tends to require fewer participants that a between-participants design


it allows for many assessments of the dependent measure over time


One problem, noted in your text, with recruiting research participants through the Internet is that

Group of answer choices

it is difficult to find diverse samples.


contacting potential participants is difficult.


most researchers are not “net savvy.”


the participants may not be representative of non-Internet users.


Dr. Doe was investigating the reaction to fear stimuli in children ages 8-12 and obtained parental consent for them to participate. In addition to getting the parental consent, Dr. Doe gave each child information about the experiment in which they were to participate and asked them if they would participate. In asking the children if they would participate, Dr. Doe obtained

Group of answer choices

passive acceptance.


the child’s assent.


the child’s informed consent.


active agreement.


Consider the following survey question: “Most Americans consider a cell phone to be a necessity. Do you agree?” This is an example of a _________ question.

Group of answer choices

double barreled






emotional laden


Dr. Bell is interested in creating a survey on road rage. Since not everyone drives a car, he should ask a(n) _________ question at the beginning of the survey to see which participants drive cars and then have only those who do drive answer questions 2-10 on road rage while driving.

Group of answer choices

response bias


open ended


double barreled




Dr. Kanaan, an Associate Professor at the University of Louisville, creates a new “empathy” test and administers it to business majors and biology majors. She finds that the two groups differ significantly from each other with an effect size (Cohen’s d) equal to .85. Based on this information which of the following statements is accurate?

Group of answer choices

the effect size in this study would be considered “moderate”


it is impossible to obtain an effect size of .85; she must have calculated it incorrectly


the effect size in this study would be considered “large”


although her results are statistically significant, the effect size would be considered “small” meaning that it has little practical importance


When writing the research report Jane thought that Dr. Handle’s summary of a prior study was presented in a very understandable way so she copied the summary and put it in her report. Immediately following the summary she put in a reference to Dr. Handle which she assumed would tell the reader that she had taken the summary from that reference. In copying this summary she has

Group of answer choices

adequately indicated that Handle wrote the summary.




demonstrated a lack of sophistication in preparing a research report.


used good judgment.


A researcher predicts that tennis professionals will play better in front of an audience. Less capable tennis players, however, are expected to do better without an audience. The researcher

Group of answer choices

is using a mixed design.


expects an interaction effect to occur.


is predicting a main effect for ability of the tennis player.


is predicting a main effect for the audience variable.


Jimmy is using PsycINFO to search for articles on bullying behavior. He wonders if there are other psychological terms (similar to bullying) he should be using in his search. What advice would you give Jimmy?

Group of answer choices

he should ask friends for new terms to look for


he should use the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms to identify similar termsused by other psychologists


a quick Google search would be the most efficient way to obtain additional search terms


he should not search for other terms because he would risk accessing articles that aren’t relevant for his research