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Week 13 and 14 : Study Guide Answer each of the following…

Week 13 and 14 : Study Guide

Answer each of the following questions. Your answers must:

Be aminimum of fivesentences.
Directly answer the question. For example, if the question asks, “What would be the ethical violation in the above scenario?” and you do not mention any violation, you will not receive the point.


Study Guide13  Questions

Based on the description by SEAB and LeBlanc (2020), analyze the Rekers and Lovaas (1974) study from the standpoint of bioethical principles.
Provide your own commentary or reaction to the SEAB and LeBlanc (2020) editors’ note on Rekers and Lovaas. As a note, this article has received a variety of responses from behavior analysts since its publication. You may approach your answer from multiple angles.
Summarize the method and results from Pritchett and colleagues (2021).
In Table 1 Pritchett and colleagues operationally define several terms and align them with core ethical principles. To what extent do their terms and definitions align with your understanding of these core principles? Note: It is fine to disagree with the authors. Make sure you elaborate on any disagreements in a collegial and respectful manner.
Imagine you are going to completea master’s thesis (a research project) as part of your graduate training requirements (some of you will and some of you will not). Would the findings and commentary from Pritchett and colleagues affect what research question you ask or the way in which you conduct the study? How?

Resources / References


Editor’s Note: Societal changes and expression of concern about Rekers and Lovaas’ (1974) Behavioral Treatment of Deviant Sex-Role Behaviors in a Male Child. (2020). Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 4, 1830-1836.


Pritchett, & Cihon, T. M. (n.d.). Social Justice is the Spirit and Aim of an Applied Science of Human Behavior: Moving from Colonial to Participatory Research Practices.


Unit 14: Study Guide 

Review Chapter 7 in the textbook (Common Errors and Mistakes Made During Ethical Analyses and Application). Have you made any of these mistakes or errors? Have you made other mistakes or errors that the authors do not mention? Describe one situation in which you have made an error.
What could you do in the future to avoid the mistake you described in Question 1? How could you assure that you minimize making the mistakes mentioned by the authors in Chapter 7?
Review the article, How to Identify Ethical Practices in Organizations Prior to Employment, by Brodhead, Quigley, and Cox (2018). Have you implemented any of their strategies in the past when considering a job offer from an organization? Would you actually use their advice/example interview questions? Why or why not? Is there any advice you think would be useful for prospective employees that the authors fail to mention?
Imagine for a moment that you were interested in entering an area of practice not common to behavior analysts (perhaps you already are). What would that area of practice be? Using the advice from Alligood and Gravina (2020), what steps could you take now to ensure you are set up for success once you graduate from this program?
Reflect on your answer in Question 4. To what extent does your answer align with our field’s ethical code and basic ethical principles? Is there anything you need to change to your approach?

Resources / References 

Brodhead. (2018). How to Identify Ethical Practices in Organizations Prior to Employment. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 11(2), 165-173.

Alligood, & Gravina, N. E. (2020). Branching Out: Finding Success in New Areas of Practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14(2).

Common Errors and Mistakes Made During Ethical Analyses and Application. (n.d.). In Brodhead & Quigley, Practical Ethics for Effective Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder (1st ed., pp. 97-103).