SargentField11017You work for a local community mental health center and receive a…You work for a local community mental health center and receive a call from the local police stating that they are bringing an individual, Johnny Lou, to the office for an evaluation after he stated that he was going to harm himself. It was reported that he was acting in a strange manner in a public area which prompted a concerned citizen to call the authorities for assistance. No other information was provided at the time of the call.The police escorted Johnny into the center and he agreed to be assessed at the center and signed all necessary paperwork (e.g. confidentiality and HIPAA statement). You bring Johnny back to your office and begin the intake process. Johnny is a dark skinned 43-year-old African American male who appears his stated age. He is a short, skinny man with a slight limp due to an motorcycle accident that occurred 10 years ago. He maintained fleeting eye contact and an agitated mood during the assessment process.Johnny reported that alcohol, marijuana, and crack cocaine are his primary drugs of choice which he stated using around the age of 9. His history of chemical abuse also included methamphetamine (smoked and injected),Vicodin, and Demerol following the severe motorcycle accident. He disclosed that he has had two marriages but is presently divorced. He further reported that he has 3 children (ages 8, 14, and 20) with his 1st wife. He reported that he had been dating and living with a woman that he planned to marry for the 3 past months. He stated that he has no “reportable income” but “makes ends meet by hustling in the drug game.” He is on probation for a multitude of drug dealing-related arrests and he was just released from jail after serving 5 months for his last possession with intent to distribute charge.Johnny stated that he returned to his apartment this afternoon and found his live-in girlfriend having sex with another man in his bedroom. Johnny stated that he was angry and instead of hurting his girlfriend or her lover, he left the apartment. He stated that at the time of the incident 30 minutes ago, he had drank a 6 pack of beer and had been smoking crack over the course of the morning. He reported that after meeting with you, he would return to the apartment. He stated that he would retrieve his gun from under his bed and shoot himself in the head because he “can’t take the pain of losing another good woman.” He has a history of 2 suicide attempts in the past by combining prescription medication and alcohol. After discussing inpatient treatment with Johnny, he stated that he can’t “afford treatment and it don’t work anyways.” He stated that he was not interested in going to an inpatient facility and wanted to call his mother for a ride to his apartment.During the time you are meeting with Johnny, his girlfiend and her lover arrive at the  front desk of the center demanding to see him. Additionally, his mother has called requesting information about her son and said that she was notified by the police that he was at the center because he “was going to kill himself.” His probation officer also called to find out more about Johnny’s status as he was informed by the police dispatch of his present situation after his scheduled probation meeting was missed. In thinking about the case, how would the ethical considerations change if he were a 14 year old? How do the ethical codes (and legal codes as applicable) change if the client is considered a minor?Social SciencePsychology