Answered step-by-step
16. I live right by a train line. I don’t notice the train unless…

16. I live right by a train line. I don’t notice the train unless it fails to pass by its usual time. It is likely to: 

      A. My response to the train has been extinguished.

      B. I have become habituated to the noise of the train.

      C. I have made a classical association between the train and food.

      D. I have become sensitized to the sound of the train.


17. A reflex must include which of the following:

      A. A sensory neuron

      B. A hand

      C. A sign stimulus 

      D. A vocalization


18. Skinner’s behaviorism taught that thoughts and feelings were behaviors, even though they are private.             Watson’s behaviorism:

      A. Also taught that thoughts and feelings were behaviors, though they are private 

      B. Taught that the events inside an organism should not be considered when studying behavior

      C. Considered events inside an organism like cognition, but not hunger 

      D. Considered events inside an organism like hunger, but not cognition


19. Who believed that knowledge was almost entirely a result of of sensory experience?

A Plato
B British Empiricists
C Descartes


20. A researcher measures how long it takes a cat to escape from a box. This researcher is measuring:

latent inhibition
response intensity
response latency


21. My child failed her most recent test. She says it is because she is afraid of tests because of bad experiences in the past. I say it is because she did not do enough of her homework. Which explanation would a behaviorist prefer, and why?

A. My child’s explanation, because it is a good story

B. My child’s explanation, because it is more about behavior than mental experience

C. My explanation, because it is more about behavior than mental experience

D. My explanation, because it is a good story


22. Which idea was introduced by the British Empiricists

A. All knowledge comes from sensory experience  
B We are born as a tabula rasa
C Simple ideas combine to form complex ideas.  
D All of the other answers are correct

23. Which of the following statements would Descartes agree with?

A We cannot learn by thinking  
B Biology explains none of human behavior
C We are born a tabula rasa
D We are born with knowledge

24. I was in a bad mood one day, and even though I waved at my friend I did not move my face. She seemed disturbed by this. What is a likely explanation?

She felt I was not happy to see her
All of the other answers are possible explanations
She was missing my “eyebrow flash” greeting
She thought I might be mad at her

25. One of Skinner’s major contributions was: 

A.  The study of fixed action patterns

B.  An understanding of drugs and addiction

C.  Applied behavior analysis

D.  Classical conditioning


26. What is the best evidence that a behavior is learned and not innate?

A. The behavior is only apparent after it has been observed and/or practiced  
B There are brain areas devoted to that behavior
C All members of a species show the behavior regardless of whether they have every been exposed to it
D All of the other answers are correct


27. Which of the following is a good example of Aristotle’s Law of Contrast? When I see fire _____.

A I think of the sun
B I think of ashes
C I think of ice


28. Why is habituation considered to be one of the simplest forms of learning?

A. It is innate  
B It only requires one stimulus
C It is the same as a reflex
D It requires two stimuli

29. If a rat is exposed to a tone repeatedly, eventually it will stop responding to the tone at all. But if you wait 24 hours and play the tone again, suddenly the rat responds. This is called:

A. sensitization  
B spontaneous recovery
C mutation
D latent learning