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Can you help me with these 12 questions?     1. Which of the…

Can you help me with these 12 questions?



1. Which of the following is NOT a socioemotional predictor of decreased longevity in older adults?

Group of answer choices



All of these are predictors


Living alone


Social isolation


2. Michael’s grandparents live locally to him. They love spending time with him and giving him entertaining experiences, but they leave discipline up to his parents. Michael’s grandparents would best be classified as which of the following grandparenting styles: 

Group of answer choices









3. The members of Tina’s family always seem to be locked in power struggles with one another, using negative tactics in order to control each other. Tina’s household could likely be considered as a: 

Group of answer choices

Coercive family environment


Social information-processing environment


Conduct disorder environment


Hostile attribution environment


4. Billy, age 8, tries to surprise his mother by helping with the laundry while she is taking a nap. He accidentally washes a wool sweater in hot water, which shrinks the sweater. When his mother wakes up and realizes what has happened, she appreciates his efforts and takes time to explain to Billy what he did wrong and how he should change his behavior the next time. Consequently, Billy feels empathy from his mother and commits to engaging in helpful behavior in the future (but will ask before he does a new chore!). Billy’s mother used which of the following methods of discipline in this example: 

Group of answer choices

Love withdrawal






Power assertion


5. According to principles of nurture, which of the following is NOT commonly associated with theory of mind development in childhood?

Group of answer choices

Mind-minded parenting




Interactions with siblings and peers


Language experience


6. Kathy is being bullied by her peers due to her status as a recent immigrant to the country and a new student to her school. Which of the following effects might Kathy be more susceptible to due to her bullying experiences?

Group of answer choices



Health problems


Self-harming behavior


All of these


7. Which of the following risk factors is NOT typically associated with the development of antisocial behavior?

Group of answer choices

Living in a coercive family environment


Attending a school with higher rates of delinquency and aggression


Genetic predisposition to difficult, irritable temperament


Living in a middle class community


8. ared considers moral traits, ideas, and actions to be incredibly important to his personal sense of identity. Because of this, he pays close attention to both his current actions as well as his future plans to ensure that he is always acting in accordance with his values. When he is not living in accordance with these values, he is very disapproving of himself. Jared’s moral identity development likely followed which theoretical perspective of moral development? 

Group of answer choices

Evolutionary theory


Cognitive-developmental theory


Social learning theory


Psychoanalytic theory


9. When solving problems and ethical dilemmas, Mindi is guided by and adheres to abstract and more universal principles of humanity, and not norms and rules specific to a particular country or organization. Kohlberg would identity Mindi as being in which stage of moral identity development:


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10. According to Kohlberg, which of the following factors is NOT thought to facilitate moral growth?

Group of answer choices

Participating in a democratic society.


Higher socioeconomic status.


Discussing moral issues with peers.


Going to college.


11. Why might it be a good idea to foster a moral identity in adolescents?

Group of answer choices

A moral identity promotes engagement in prosocial behavior.


All of these reasons


A moral identity is related to decreased engagement in antisocial behavior.


A moral identity is related to more advanced moral reasoning skills.


12. Which of the following is NOT a common critisicm of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning?

Group of answer choices

It fails to take into account cultural differences in morality conceptualizations.


It does not speak to the multitude of influences on moral behavior beyond moral reasoning.


It understimates children’s moral sophistication.


It overly emphasizes ideas of intuition and emotion.