cbj654Vignette Sydney calls your office to schedule an appointment. The…Vignette Sydney calls your office to schedule an appointment. The appointment is for her and her husband, Liam. Sydney is 38 years of age and works as an attorney at a law firm. She has a 12- year-old daughter from her previous relationship. Liam is 32 years of age and works as a front desk receptionist at the same law firm. Liam has no biological children but actively participates in the care of Sydney’s 12-year-old daughter. In the initial session, Sydney reports that after 5 years of marriage, they are drifting apart. When you ask what she means by statement “drifting apart,” she says that Liam does not care about her or their relationship anymore. She shares that over the last few months he stays out late, and there have been multiple nights where he never made it home. She continues by saying that they are unable to talk to one another without arguing or fighting (verbal). Liam interrupts by saying that what Sydney has shared is only half true. He states that the relationship is drifting apart, however, he does care about their relationship and that is why he is present for the session. Sydney immediately moved forward in her seat, pointed a finger at Liam as she is sitting opposite to him, and calls him a liar. She says, “If you care about our relationship, you would not be having an affair. You would come home after work, and you would make more of an effort in our relationship.” Liam shakes his head from side to side in a slow but deliberate manner. Looking right at Sydney he says, “I would not be having an affair if the person I was married to cared more about being drunk or high than the relationship. I have grown tired of coming home after work only to find you intoxicated and it does not matter what day of the week it is. I am left to care for your daughter, or she is left to care for herself. Your condition is so bad that it not only affects us at home, but it is now affecting us at work.” As the couple continue to unpack the presented issues you come to find that Liam was once married, and his 1 st marriage ended due to his affair with Sydney. You also discovered that Sydney’s previous marriage ended due to her persistent challenge with alcoholTo successfully meet the requirements of this assignment you will provide a summative overview of the two approaches assigned this week. You are required to provide a minimum of three foundational similarities between the two models. In doing so you should clearly offer your rationale for why you have identified said similarities. You will also provide a minimum of three differences between the two models, and again you will address your rationale for why you have identified those specific theoretical differences. You will then offer what you identify as strengths or weaknesses (a minimum of three) of either of the theoretical models in relation to couple therapy. Then you will review the vignette provided below and specify which theory you would use to work with the couple after offering a case conceptualization. You will detail your rationale (a minimum of two relevant rationales) for why you have selected one theory over the other.   Using the language of the theory you have selected, you will develop and share a minimum of five questions you would ask the couple unit that would help the couple move closer towards their goal. In addition, you will clearly articulate the rationale for each question you present. You will specify a minimum of three theory-specific interventions while working with the couple identified in the vignette. You will share your rationale for why you have selected each specific intervention and clearly articulate how the intervention will benefit the couple.  Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy Gottman Couple Therapy Social SciencePsychology