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In Chapter One, what is the best explanation for so many different…

In Chapter One, what is the best explanation for so many different definitions of leadership? 

Group of answer choices 

a. leadership is a very old topic with centuries of definitions 

b. scholarly nitpicking about trivial issues 

c. little opportunity for rigorous scientific analysis 

d. disagreement about what should be included in the definition 


Question 2 In Chapter One, what is the most common element in definitions of leadership? 

Group of answer choices 

a. leadership is an influence process 

b. leadership is an attribution made by followers 

c. leadership is an authority relationship 

d. leadership is the ability to make good decisions 


Question 3 In Chapter One, a leadership theory that describes relationships among leader traits, behavior, influence processes, outcomes, and situational variables is best classified as: 

Group of answer choices 

a. Universal 

b. comprehensive

c. integrative 

d. descriptive 


Question 4 In Chapter One, most of the leadership theory and research has described _______ leadership. 

Group of answer choices 

a. direct 

b. ethical 

c. toxic 

d. informal 


Question 5 In Chapter One, a theory that explains the most effective pattern of leadership behavior in a specified situation is best classified as: 

Group of answer choices 

a. Universal 

b. comprehensive 

c. prescriptive 

d. descriptive 


Question 6 In Chapter 16, what is the best conclusion about the current state of leadership theory? Most of the theories Group of answer choices 

a. are very comprehensive 

b. provide a good explanation of leadership processes 

c. are strongly supported by empirical research 

d. have not been adequately tested 


Question 7 In Chapter 16, what research method is used most often to study leadership effectiveness? 

Group of answer choices 

a. survey field studies 

b. intensive case studies 

c. laboratory experiments 

d. field experiments 


Question 8 Which is NOT true for the integrating conceptual model presented in Chapter 16? The model 

Group of answer choices 

a. applies to dyadic, group, and organizational levels of analysis 

b. includes the influence leader traits, power, and behavior 

c. is supported by many studies that examine all the linkages 

d. allows for reciprocal influence processes between variables 


Question 9 In Avolio, Walumbwa, and Weber’s 2009 review of leadership research, the authors conclude that one area that a number of the theories have neglected to explore is

Group of answer choices 

a. whether leaders are born or made. 

b. how to develop leaders. 

c. the glass ceiling, why women and minorities are seldom promoted to senior executive positions. 

d. the neuroscience of leadership. 


Question 10 Avolio, Walumbwa, and Weber conclude that leadership research today is more likely to 

Group of answer choices 

a. use more quantitative methods than in the past when research was more qualitative. 

b. focus on the individual differences and characteristics that separate good leaders from bad leaders. 

c. examine all angles of leadership, not just leader traits and behaviors, but also the follower, the context, the levels, and their dynamic interaction. 

d. look to the future, trying to predict what leaders will need to do to be effective 10 to 50 years from now. 


Question 11 In the Day and Zaccaro article on the history of leadership traits, they conclude that trait approaches to leadership 

Group of answer choices 

a. are poor predictors of leader emergence and effectiveness because so much depends on the situation. 

b. have consistently shown over decades that leadership is something that resides within the person/leader. 

c. need to be better integrated with models of how followers perceive leaders.

d. show that the best way for an organization to have good leadership is to focus on leader selection (based on traits), rather than to focus on leader development (based on behaviors). 


Question 12 Day and Zaccaro found that the scientific study of leadership traits 

Group of answer choices 

a. can be traced back to Fiedler, who measured whether leaders are task oriented or people oriented with his Least Preferred Coworker Scale. 

b. began around 1918, as a result of America’s engagement in World War One. 

c. emerged with the publication of numerous empirical studies during the 1940s. 

d. started with the psychologist Thomas Carlyle in the 19th century who gathered data on leadership effectiveness for his dissertation under Wundt.