Answered step-by-step
1.Marcia Brady wants to help the young children in her daycare calm…

1.Marcia Brady wants to help the young children in her daycare calm down after lunch recess and rest for thirty minutes. The children are between the ages of 3 and 4. They eat lunch, play outside for a short time, then come indoors for a rest period. 


Explain how Marcia Brady might use contiguous pairing of a song and the room’s lighting to develop a conditioned response from these young children in order to reside a  calm, quiet environment for their afternoon rest period. 


Explain how classical conditioning is involved. Describe how the neutral stimulus becomes conditioned and what the conditioned response would be. (10 points)



2.Arthur Curry is a fifth-grade boy who loves to make people laugh. He invokes laughter in the classroom by making a small sound, a facial expression, a witty comment, or a vivid metaphor.


Based on what you know about operant conditioning, explain how the following consequences likely influence Arthur Curry’s behavior.


First consequence: Everyone laughs at Arthur’s behavior.


Second consequence: Everyone ignores Arthur’s behavior. (10 points)



3. After the first month of school, Clint Barton places a suggestion box in his classroom and encourages students to drop suggestions anonymously into the box. He opens the box at the end of the week and reads a note suggesting that he stop lecturing. The students says that his lectures are putting them to sleep.


Clint wants students to learn history. He realizes the value of the declarative knowledge he is presenting, and he wants it to hold meaning for his students. 


Mr. Barton shows you the suggestion and asks for recommendations. As his colleague, you are in a position to help.


What, besides lecturing, might Clint Barton do in his teaching to help students create semantic memory of historical events?


What might Clint Barton do in his teaching to help students create episodic memory of historical events? (10 points)



4. Anya Corazón wants her students to use metacognitive skills to guide their reading and inquiry. She is beginning a unit in social studies about the industrial revolution and plans to introduce the lesson with a KWL chart. Describe how she might effectively use a KWL system to encourage students to use metacognitive skills.  (10 points)



5.Students in Kamala Khan’s high school media class are designing instructional videos. Their target audience is students in grades 1-3. Their goal is to help these younger students use technology safely, wisely, and abide by the rules of netiquette. After they finish developing a video lesson, they arrange to go into the classrooms in grades 1-3 and present the lesson to the children.


Is Kamala Khan’s class an example of a flipped classroom? Explain. (8 points)



6. Miles Morales is a student in Ms. Johnson’s sixth grade class. Miles loves to read and always has several library books checked out, but he does not like to write. He believes he is incapable of writing. In fifth grade, he missed school during the unit about the parts of a letter, and his attempts to write letters for assignments were weak and unimpressive. He was present when the class studied how to write the opening, closing, and body of a letter, but he wasn’t interested and didn’t make an effort to finish assignments. His grades on writing assignments have been poor for two years. Explain the probable sources of Miles Morales’ low self-efficacy for writing assignments.  (12 points)


7. Suppose you are teaching eighth grade math to a small class of nine students who perform below grade level. All nine students believe their failure in math is inevitable and consequently have low motivation to learn. They exhibit self-handicapping strategies and function in failure-avoiding mode. You want to help them change their thinking and keep them from reaching a state of failure acceptance. Describe what you might do to achieve this goal. In your response, address students’ mindsets and beliefs about ability as well as their self-worth. (10 points)