Answered step-by-step
Please watch video: All in the Mind Then fill in the following…

Please watch video: All in the Mind

Then fill in the following questions:


1. Professor Allan Herbison describes how the _________________(brain part), which
controls some of our instincts, varies between biological sexes. For instance, in sheep,
about _________________% of male sheep’s _________________(brain part) look
similar to female shapes, which is associated with how these males will only mate with
other male sheep. This type of research results are why some researchers believe that at
birth, there is _________________ that is going to have a significant effect on the sexual
orientation of the organism.

2. Researcher Cynthia Darlington talks about a _________________in a lot of medical
research. In early experimental studies, researchers would examine and experiment on
young male brains that didn’t have any known _________________. Then, they would
extrapolate that data onto everyone, applying their findings to females. For instance,
female _________________ pills were tested a lot on 20-year old males.

3. Nathan Wallis gets a brain scan using an _________________, which measures activity
in specific areas in the brain. While getting scanned, Nathan does a
_________________(type of skill) task. The left _________________ lobe activates
accordingly, and there is also some activity in the same place on the right side, but less
than the left side. This asymmetric brain activity is typical in _________________,
according to the researcher.

4. The toy experiment at the zoo showed that male chimps, in general, preferred the
_________________while the female chimps, in general, preferred the
_________________. This may hint at how this preference is
_________________influenced rather than _________________. However, researcher
Annette Henderson describes how in human experiments, it’s difficult to separate the

biological and social influences (also known as nature versus _________________). One
reason is because as soon as babies come out of the womb, they’re treated differently
according to their _________________.

5. In the ramp experiment, moms were shown to underestimate the abilities of their kids if
they were _________________. The moms of the _________________were more
accurate in their assessment of how steep the slope at which their kids could comfortably
crawl at. This research shows how some adults _________________ from the outside
about kids’ abilities.

6. _________________(hormone) helps shape the brain in the womb, and is linked to
_________________. Both biological sexes have it, but males have a lot more. In the car
racing experiment, Emma’s testosterone levels went _________________during the race,
but Nathan’s went _________________and stayed there. Research Paul Hoffman
explains how testosterone takes _________________to _________________(lengths of
time) to have a significant effect on performance.

7. Researcher Ian Kirk describes how with language tasks, women, on average, perform
better than men with _________________ (task) in a certain amount of time. However, a
recent study from Tel Aviv scanned _________________(number/amount) male and
female brains and found that there was _________________ in almost every region. We
are far more _________________than we are _________________.

8. Mani Bruce Mitchell was born _________________, given the biological sex of
_________________at birth, but was raised as a _________________after they
discovered there was a _________________(body organ). Now, Mani is an activist and
counsels _________________, transgender, and other individuals who don’t feel
connected to the sex they were assigned at birth. Gender identity is not necessarily
connected to the _________________. Researcher Paul Hofman suggests that the
transgender identity is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors.

9. The total amount of cells in the brain is about _________________, and they function in
_________________. Each individual brain cell communicates with about
_________________(number/amount) other brain cells. The size of the network in the
brain make it more challenging to determine why some neurological disorders are so
strongly associated with biological sex. There are more _________________who suffer
from Alzheimer’s and more _________________who suffer from Parkinson’s.



10. With _________________ disorder, biologically females with it have more issues with
recognizing _________________, whereas males have more issues with an interest in

11. Researcher Karen Waldie describes how _________________, a neurodevelopmental
disorder, is diagnosed _________________(number) times more in males than females.
They use an _________________(acronym), electroencephalogram, to measure brain
waves and the time it takes for information to travel between the left and right brain
hemispheres. Research shows that sometimes, women are able to process across the brain
a little _________________(slower or faster) than men, which could tie into the topic of