Answered step-by-step
MHW-631: Benchmark – Self-Care Plan   The purpose of this…

MHW-631: Benchmark – Self-Care Plan


The purpose of this assignment is to design a strategic plan to address important areas in one’s life that can lead to burnout, compassion fatigue, or both. Spiritual and emotional wellbeing, along with care for one’s physical health should be an essential priority in the life of the one involved in ministry to others.


The student will focus on the following categories that can be possible risks during the course of one’s life and one’s ministry endeavors. The first part consists of questions and answers that will help the student narrow down what the actual risks might look like for each individual. The second part provides an opportunity to both propose and commit to a specific plan to attend to areas in detail as a personal self-care plan.


This first half will inquire information on four points.


1. Explain in one or two sentences how each of these categories is understood by you.


2. Using the numeric scale, circle the number that best describes the current experiential level of each category.


3. Writing in brief paragraph style, personally express how this particular category is presently being manifested and why, if that is known. (Perhaps it deals only with a student’s past).


4. Take a moment to observe your responses and then write about what may be more apparent to you. In other words, what is glaringly obvious or what is slightly more noticeable? Please answer briefly using one or two sentences.


Point 1: Stress


a.Explanation: Stress is what occurs when a person feels overwhelmed by things, people or tasks and one is no longer able to cope. Stress is a helpful sign that a person is doing too much, and they need to cut back and get a hold of their lives.


b. Scaling: 0—–1—–2—–3—-4—–5—–6—–7—–8—–9—–10


c. Personal Description: I am currently experiencing great stress because of my personal life’s problems, working full time, and going to school full time. I am finding myself overwhelmed with everything, unable to rest, doing poorly in school, and feeling like a failure. I am overeating to cope and even worse; my spiritual life is also taking a great toll


d. Reflection: I realize that I must find a way to stop something or curb some activity soon. If not, I am going to burn out and not make it through the next semester.


Plan of Action: Now that you have identified this category as having a major impact on your emotional, spiritual and/or physical well-being, what steps can you take and what steps will you take to seek a solution for this issue? Describe some realistic healthy practices you can master.


I realize that I have been “under stress” for too long. That is how I live and sadly, that is how I function. Through the readings, lecture, and extra reading links, I realize that this is not how God wants me to live. I am not living. I work at work, I work at school, and I work at home. I need to change my commitments; I need to make time for myself so I can get fully charged and I need to make time for God every week by attending worship. I plan to take thirty minutes at least 3x a week for simple reflection and a chance to sit and think without doing anything.


Answer how you would counsel someone who came to you needing assistance for tackling stress.


If a client or anyone came to me wondering how they could relieve stress in their lives, I would offer the following words of guidance. . . .


Point 2: Burnout



c.Personal Description:



Plan of Action:

Now that you have identified this category as having a major impact on your emotional, spiritual and/or physical well-being, what steps can you take and what steps will you take to seek a solution for this issue? Describe some realistic healthy practices you can master.

Answer how you would counsel someone who came to you needing assistance in tackling burnout?


1.Compassion Fatigue:

2.Emotional Trauma:


4.Grief and Loss:



