CorporalCoyotePerson298Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for…Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international protection.While there is no formal legal definition of an international Migrant, most experts agree that an international migrant is someone who changes his or her country of usual residence, irrespective of the reason for migration or legal status. Generally, a distinction is made between short-term or temporary migration, covering movements with a duration between three and 12 months, and long-term or permanent migration, referring to a change of country of residence for a duration of one year or more.  1- Read “Ballard, J., Wieling, E., Solheim, C., & Dwanyen, L. Ch. 1, “Immigration and Immigrant Policy,”- Alternative Formats” in the image below Image transcription textChapter 1: Immigration and Immigrant Policy: Barriers andOpportunities for Families Jaime Ballard {Family Social Science,University of Minnesota}, Damir Utrz’an {Family Social… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2 Immigrant and Refugee Families impacts our labor market andshifts where job growth occurs in our economy. On a social level,we interact with immigrants as neighbors and friends, … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text1.1 Immigration Policy Immigration Policy Purposes ofImmigration Policy There are five pritnary purposes ofimmigration policy (US English Foundation, 2016; Fix … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4 Immigrant and Refugee Families BBC World Service —Bardecfense — CC BY—NC 2.0. Key Stakeholders in Policy Thereare many groups who are deeply invested in immigrati… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJun. Illlllllal?llull IuIILy J government power to regulateimmigration (Weissbrodt & Danielson, 2011). A series ofSupreme Court cases beginning in the 18505 upheld t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text6 Immigrant and Refugee Families DHS USCIS ICE ‘ CBP BorderPatrol Figure 1: Federal Immigration Organizations Stategovernments. Although states have no power to creat… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text1.1 Immigration Policy 7 Migrant worker. Bread for the World -Migrant Worker and Cucumbers, Blackwater, VA – CC BY-NC-ND2.0. Current workforce. Overall, research demonstrat… Show more… Show more    2- Read: Ballard, J., Wieling, E., Solheim, C., & Dwanyen, L. Ch. 2, “From There to Here: The Journey of Refugee Families to the United States”- Alternative Format. Image transcription textChapter 2: From There to Here: The Journey of Refugee Familiesto the United States Jaime Ballard (Family Social Science,University of Minnesota), Chris Mehus {Division of Ge… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2.1 Fleeing Persecution and Separation from Family FleeingPersecution and Separation from Family During those timeseveryone was afraid, and we taught the children very y… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text32 Immigrant and Refugee Families -Mai Vang Thao, Hmongrefugee The conflicts and situations that cause people to flee theirhome countries often separate families. Families can b… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2.2 Travel to Temporary Refuge Travel to Temporary Refuge”When it became so unsafe we could not stay anymore. Some ofthe men who had returned [from Thailand] were my u… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text2.3 Family Admittance to the United States Family Admittance tothe United States Once refugees have entered a new country,they can begin the road to refugee or asylee status in t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text36 Immigrant and Refugee Families 2001 (Refugee Council,2012). In the following years, the ceiling was consistently setbetween 70,000-85,000. The Trump Administration h… Show more… Show more   3- watch the video: Family reunited after four years separated by Trump-era immigration policy:link:   After read the image above and watch the video, answer the following questions below:  In this unit we learned about immigration and forced relocation of families. In 2022, nearly 130,000 unaccompanied minors entered the United States shelter system. Consider the reasons people decide to leave their home country.  1- What do you think causes parents to make the decision to send their children to the border alone? 2-How do you think current immigration policy affects that decision? 3- What arguments would you make for or against making family reunification faster and more accessible?     Social SciencePsychology