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Psychology Goes to the Movies: Critically Evaluating Cinematic…

Psychology Goes to the Movies: Critically Evaluating Cinematic Depictions of Psychological Disorder  Select a movie which features a character experiencing a psychological disorder/ mental illness.  Watch the movie with this assignment in mind (please note you might need to watch the movie several times to complete this assignment.) Chapters from our textbook is required in identifying Psychological Disorders the character in the movie is demonstrating. The psychological disorder must be in the text. After watching the movie, you will then plan, research, and finally compose a formal research paper in which you address the following.Please use the following sections in your submission: The structure of your paper must use these: 

Cover page
Summary of the film
Overview of disorder
Critical analysis section
Scene 1 description and analysis
Scene 2 description and analysis
Scene 3 description and analysis

  Description of requirements: 


Introduction.   what you intend to convey in your assignment. One paragraph(maximum).


 a brief summary of the movie.
In this summary you should detail the name of the movie and pertinent information about it (year, director) and provide an overview of the film, the main characters, events and plot summary.
This summary should give me the clear impression that you have carefully watched this movie with the psychological order in mind.  The summary should be in your words and NOT a rehashing of an IMBD or another website online summary. It should be a big picture overview of the characters disorder and not a rehashing of what happens moment to moment in the plot. It must be BRIEF.
This summary must be brief, you will lose marks if your summary is more than one brief paragraph.


Overview and define the psychological disorder. You must use your references in defining the psychological disorder


Using your textbook (this is a requirement) and
the DSM-V (a requirement) and
at least 3 other additional academic sources describe in detail the specific psychological disorder that is depicted in the character in the movie

The following would make for good sources(See school library lots of online resources)

Books: (see school library lots of online resources)
Academic journal articles: If you are unsure of what constitutes an academic journal article -email a reference librarian.
DO NOT use: Websites (that are not an academic/factual) or Wikipedia or newspaper / magazine articles- do not count.


 Critical Analysis with reference to at least 3 specific scenes


You must describe the characters disorder from a scene in the film in detail.  Then with reference to your academic sources, using in text citation, to support your analysis of the characters behaviour. The references are the evidence to support your analysis. If you do not cite references, this is simply your opinion. You will not receive marks for an analysis that is not supported by in text citations from your references.

You should have three separate paragraphs or sections for each of the three scenes. You must use your textbook, the DSM-V and at least 3 other academic sources in your written analysis of the disorder in each of the 3 scenes of the film, (requirement) to support what you have written.  This is the most important section of the assignment. 

Then, write a critical analysis of how accurate or inaccurate you believe the portrayal of the disorder was in your film, using the scenes you selected.


This isn’t just opinion – your determination of accuracy should be based in material from textbook material and the academic sources you collected on the specific disorder. Make sure you use textbook material and the journal articles to back up your arguments.
This analysis should be your original work and not some rehashing of an article on the movie.
You must use your textbook and DSM-V and at least 3 other academic sources in your analysis. (requirement)


Conclusion: Write a conclusion of your analysis. This is not a movie review. Please do not write that you liked the movie or the character. Conclude, the characters disorder and how the movie depicted the disorder and what does Psychology state about the disorder. The question to answer here is: did the movie depict the disorder accurately?


References: Use proper APA formatting,