Answered step-by-step
1. Using invented spelling does not slow down or prevent a child…

1. Using invented spelling does not slow down or prevent a child from learning conventional spelling.




2. What impact has the statistical learning approach had on language learning?

In statistical learning, the motor cortex drives the understanding of all words and meanings


In statistical learning, Wernicke’s area calculates words and their meanings in the brain


In statistical learning, whole language is calculated from individual words and their meanings


In statistical learning, the general information processes of the brain calculates words and their meanings

3. Dillon has just finished his dinner. He looks at his mother and says “all gone.” His mother knows that this means “I have finished my dinner.” Then Dillon says “get up” which his mother knows means “Can I get up now”. These communications by Dillon illustrate which concept?

fast mapping


telegraphic speech




syntactic bootstrapping

4. What impact does bilingualism have on a child’s cognitive abilities?

Bilingualism has been found to constrain telegraphic speech cognitively


Bilingualism has been found to enhance a child’s cognitive abilities


Bilingualism has been found to slow down a child’s cognitive abilities


Bilingualism has been found to promote telegraphic speech cognitively

5. Kayla, a five-year-old, is in kindergarten this year. She loves to tell her mom all about her day, her friends, and what she is learning. Kayla has learned though that she cannot talk to her teacher in the same way that she does to her mother. Which is Kayla learning?








6. How does autism affect the pragmatics of language in communicating with others?

Many people with autism use the pragmatics of language to fast map their communication with other people


Many people with autism use the pragmatics of language to enhance their understanding of others


Many people with autism employ pragmatics of language as a substitute for verbal communication to be understood


Many people with autism lack the pragmatics of language causing them difficulties with understanding others and being understood

7. Zion suffered a brain injury recently. His language capabilities were developing normally, but recently his mother has noticed very distinct differences. Instead of asking “Can I have some milk please?, Zion will say “have milk”. Zion most likely has damage to which area of the brain?

motor cortex


Wernicke’s area


Broca’s area


language acquisition device

8. Levar was playing with his toys when his mother came in to check on him. When she asked him how he was doing he said, “My tooths hurt.” His mother checked his mouth and found that he had a couple of new teeth breaking through to the surface. Chomsky would say that Levar’s sentence was due to which concept?





syntactical bootstrapping



9. Miguel is learning how to read and write in school. His teacher is having each of the students write story and draw pictures to go along with the story. Miguel is writing a story about his birthday party. He misspells many of the words and some he spells very phonetically. Which is Miguel most likely using?

invented spelling


semantic bootstrapping


telegraphic speech


discourse skills

10. The language of teens is different than adults due to the amount of slang that is used.




11. Through systematic training in which, can a child with dyslexia benefit from to improve their reading?



telegraphic speech





12. How do phonology and morphology differ?

Phonology is the study of the way words are formed from sounds while morphology is the study of sounds in language


Phonology is the study of pragmatics while morphology is the study of semantics in language


Phonology is the study of semantics while morphology is the study of pragmatics in language


Phonology is the study of sounds in language while morphology is the study of the way words are formed from sounds

13. Which program gives students some instruction in their native language while also receiving concentrated instruction to learn English?

English as a second language


two-way immersion




transitional bilingual education

14. Which area of the brain, when damaged, causes people to have difficulty understanding other’s speech?

language acquisition device


Wernicke’s area


Broca’s area


motor cortex

15. Sophia begins to coo and her father immediately begins to talk to her. He tells her about different things and then listens as she continues to coo. He smiles and she smiles back. This demonstrates a(n) ______.





telegraphic speech


taxonomic constraint