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Final Case Study: Correctional Facility Hostage Barricade The…

Final Case Study:

Correctional Facility Hostage Barricade

The following assignment is a case study of an actual hostage barricade incident. Names and

locations have been redacted. Your job is to assess the situation and provide an accurate

evaluation, describe the process and procedures you would use to resolve the situation, and

demonstrate the acquired knowledge of crisis negations from this course. I want you to

explicitly spell out to me the communication tactics you would use, describe the negotiation

process and why it works, discuss alternative to negotiation, explain the role of the team you

choose for the scenario, etc. Get creative in your analysis and justification of why you are

choosing specific tactics. Back up your assessment with empirical sources.


– Must be demonstrated in your paper:

o Describe communication tactics you would use

o Describe the negotiation process and why it works

o Discuss alternatives to negotiation

o Discuss influence and persuasion tactics

o Explain the role of the team you choose for the scenario

o Discuss solutions, goals, and “bargaining chips”



It is 12:00 PM and you are being called in to negotiate and assist in the resolution of a hostage

barricade incident at Jones State Correctional Facility. You are the lead negotiator, and you

must assemble a team to respond to the critical incident.


*Intelligence at this point is limited, and the following has been gathered to assist you and your


4:00 AM Marshall and Dave reported to their normal kitchen duties within their housing unit,

Harvey Unit. Over an unknown period of time, Marshall constructed a “shiv” out of an

industrial kitchen spoon. Marshall and Dave used the weapon to attack a male Correction

Officer, who was solo guarding the kitchen inmates and civilian staff. Marshall took the

officer’s uniform, shaved his goatee, and changed into the uniform.

Marshall and Dave apparently knew the rotation of the guard’s schedule. Marshall, wearing the

officer’s uniform, approached the Harvey Tower door at shift change around 5:00 AM. Harvey

Tower is the only armed tower at Jones Correctional Facility that overlooks the most violent

inmates on the grounds. Two Correction Officers were manning the tower when Marshall

knocked on the door. The two officers let Marshall in without showing proper credentials in

violation of Department of Corrections (DOC) policy. Marshall and Dave immediately stormed

the tower, gained control of the two officers, and obtained an AR-15 assault rifle. Marshall and

Dave promptly locked the tower door, barricaded it with a desk, and tied up the two officers.


– One female Correction Officer

– One male Correction Officer

Location of barricade

– Harvey Tower: The tower was constructed to be the highest point of Jones

Prison. This vantage point allows Correction Officers to use deadly force if


– As a security precaution, the tower only locks from the inside and cannot be

opened from the outside.

– Tower is encased with bulletproof glass.

– Based on construction of tower, SWAT has indicated that a tactical response

would be difficult to attempt and preserve the lives of the two correction


Initial Demands

– Marshall and Dave contacted the Investigative Division inside Jones State Facility

through a phone in the tower. Their initial demands were:

1. Talk to the Governor of the state

2. Talk to Warden D’Jigillo Jones

3. Helicopter with a radio, police scanner, guns, and money

4. Handcuff key (Jones State policy makes giving a handcuff key to an

inmate a non-negotiable, no matter what the circumstance)

5. Talk to their family members, who reside in states across the country

Initial Statements Made by Hostage Takers

– “I’ll continue raping this b*%^& until we get what we want!”

– “We are only coming out in a body bag or with our demands met!”

– “Better start making this quick, otherwise we’re sending out one of this prick’s

fingers every hour”

Bio of Hostage Takers

– Marshall

o Incarcerated for armed robbery and ten counts of aggravated assault

(during robberies, wore body armor)

o Incarcerated since 2000

o Was in an isolated unit due to numerous threats on his life while at Jones


o Clinically diagnosed as antisocial

– Dave

o Incarcerated for armed robbery and serial sexual assaults.

o Serving a life sentence and incarcerated in 1997

o Prison staff psychologist has indicated Dave shows signs of psychopathy,

but he has not been clinically diagnosed.

o Has had multiple violent incidents with inmates since incarceration.