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  I am conducting a research proposal  my question is what are…


I am conducting a research proposal 

my question is what are the difficulties faced by international students 


using the following structure 

Please kindly assist on what should be included in each heading 



Literature review?
You are required to complete the “Search Strategy Planner and Lit Analysis Template” to document your search strategy and assist in thinking critically about your sources of evidence. You can download this from the Assessment 1 folder on blackboard. This must be included as an appendix to your research proposal, and is not included in your overall word count.
Your review should provide a summary of the main themes of your topic, any areas of consensus, debate or conflict. You should identify a gap in understanding – for example, it might be that little is known about the topic in the Australian context.  Your literature review should lead into the rationale for your research, and provide justification for hypotheses (quantitative students).
Rationale/Justification (i.e. how your research will fill any gaps, contribute to the field of research or contribute to existing or improved practice)
Comment on whether the rationale will lead you into a qualitative (interviews) or quantitative design (survey). Justify this using research terminology and research textbooks.
Research questions/aims/objectives/hypothesis
Linking to the rationale and aims of the study, list the research question/s and hypotheses (quantitative projects) that will guide your project. (These have been provided to you).
Expected outcomes
Discuss the value of the expected outcomes of your research.  Clearly demonstrate how your research will add to a wider field of study.  When you have completed this research, consider what the end result will be.

Project Design

Research project setting (physical sites, online forums and alternatives)
Methodological approach
Rationale for choices of method/s (tied to project aims/objectives)
Note that method/s are different to methodology.  Methods refer to the data collection tool.  Methodology is the justification for using a particular research method (i.e. quantitative or qualitative approach)
Description and number
For quantitative projects, the participants are described as the following:


You can list this as a table with two columns, inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Participant recruitment strategies and timeframes
Describe how you will initially approach potential participants
Approach/es to provision of information to participants and/or consent
If necessary, the type, timing and context of consent sought from participants
Research Activities: What are you going to do?
Participant commitment
Project duration
Participant follow-up
Data collection/gathering:  What information are you going to collect/gather?
Data collection/gathering techniques: How will you collect/gather the information?
Impact of and response to participant withdrawal
In the appendix provide the data collection tool (this is not included in the word count)
Data Management: How will you store, provide access to, disclose, use/re-use, transfer, destroy or archive the information that you collect/gather?
Include a data management plan in accordance with National Statement 3.1.45 and 3.1.56
Data Analysis: How will you measure, manipulate and/or analyse the information you collect/gather?

Results, Outcomes and Future Plans

Plans for return of results or findings of research to participants
Include an ethically defensible plan in accordance with National Statement 3.1.65 or 3.2.15 or 3.3.36 – 3.3.61, as appropriate. 
Plans for dissemination and publication of project outcomes
Other potential uses of the data at the end of the project
Project closure processes
Plans for sharing and/or future use of data and/or follow-up research
Will there be any anticipated secondary use of the data?

?Reference List

?Include references used in your literature review, as well as research texts and other readings you have used throughout this assessment in developing your research instrument and research processes.  If you are using existing scales in your survey, these scales should also be appropriately referenced.

Appendix 1: Search Strategy Planner and Literature Analysis Template

Include a copy of your planner here.

Appendix 2: Data Collection Tool

Include a copy of the data collection tool here – the interview guide and/or survey will be given to you.
Include in this section a justification for the choice of questions/scales –
For quantitative projects, you can consider answering the following questions:
What types of questions are asked and what information are they seeking?
What is the reliability and validity of the scales used in the surveys?
What are the strengths and limitations of conducting online surveys?
Are there any design features within the Qualtrics survey which encourage participants to complete the survey?