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Book: LIfe-Span development by John Santrock 18 ed questions 19-36…

Book: LIfe-Span development by John Santrock 18 ed

questions 19-36


19. Which of the following hormones is associated with breast, uterine, and skeletal development in girls?

Multiple Choice


20. Fifteen-year-old Juanita wants to skip school because she is having a bad hair day and is convinced that everybody will notice and think badly of her. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Juanita experiencing?

Multiple Choice

the top-dog phenomenon
the imaginary audience
the personal fable
the fight-or-flight response

21. According to James Marcia, what determines an individual’s identity status?

Multiple Choice

the existence or extent of parental and social support
the choices and alternatives they have access to
the existence or extent of their crisis or commitment
the individual’s socioeconomic and academic profile

22. The status of identity _____ occurs most often when parents hand down commitments to their adolescents, usually in an authoritarian way, before adolescents have had a chance to explore different approaches, ideologies, and vocations on their own.

Multiple Choice


23. Which of the following statements is true about the various aspects of emerging adulthood?

Multiple Choice

It characterizes typical development in all cultures.
For many individuals, identity exploration in love and work remains stable during this period.
The increased freedom that is available to emerging adults in Western society places a premium on the capacity to plan ahead and make positive choices.
Most people have little or no autonomy in running their own lives in this period.


24. The transition from adolescence to adulthood has been referred to as emerging adulthood, which occurs from approximately _____ years of age.

Multiple Choice

12 to 18
21 to 26
18 to 25
20 to 30

25. Landon is 45 years old, and he is obese and suffers from hypertension. He was recently diagnosed with a condition called metabolic syndrome and was advised to exercise every day as well as eat small and healthy meals. In this scenario, which of the following is Landon most likely to suffer from because of his condition?

Multiple Choice

pancreatic cancer and fatty liver
arteriosclerosis and cirrhosis of the liver
diabetes and cardiovascular disease
irritable bowel syndrome and gastric ulcers

26. One factor that has contributed to the survival of centenarians is

Multiple Choice

their years of marriage.
their socioeconomic status.
the lack of stressful events in their lives.
their ability to cope effectively with stress.



27. Which of the following is one of the Big Five factors of personality identified by Costa and McCrae?

Multiple Choice


28. A recent study of older adults (Manning & Miles, 2018) revealed that religious service attendance was associated with a

Multiple Choice

higher level of resilience in life.
decrease in life satisfaction.
higher risk of mortality.
lower risk of Alzheimer disease.


29. If researchers measure an individual’s self-esteem at ages 10, 20, 30, and 40 years, where are they likely to find the most stability?

Multiple Choice

when measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 40
when measured at the age of 10 and then again at the age of 40
when measured at the age of 20 and then again at the age of 30
when measured at the age of 10 and then again at the age of 30

30. Tina and Danny have been married for 12 years. Both are working and have busy schedules, but at the end of the day, they sit together and tell each other about their day. They have had their share of ups and downs in life, and their love for each other has grown steadily. However, Tina, although very happy in her marriage, reminisces about and wishes to have the passion they had in the early days of their marriage. According to Sternberg’s triarchic theory of love, Tina and Danny’s relationship is best categorized as

Multiple Choice

affectionate love.
consummate love.
romantic love.
fatuous love.

31. According to Sternberg, _____ love is the strongest and fullest form of love.

Multiple Choice




Infants should be put to sleep on their backs to prevent SIDS.


True or False


35. Which of the following is true based on the work of Dr. Daniel Allen regarding the brain?

Multiple Choice

Most medications prescribed by doctors treat the symptom but not the person.
Psychiatrist are able to accurately identify the reason for a client’s behavioral dysfunction by merely talking with them.
SPECT imaging looks at blood flow and activity in the body.
The brain activity of someone with PTSD (Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder) is the same as someone with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).