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Question 41 (1 point)                   Which type of…

Question 41 (1 point)










Which type of thinking is required to answer a multiple-choice question?

Question 41 options:



Question 42 (1 point)










Professor Robinson has been known to administer exams that have questions on topics not covered in the course. What are Professor Robinson’s exams low in?

Question 42 options:

  predictive validity
  content validity
  concept validity


Question 43 (1 point)










Who argues that genuine greatness results from an intersection of three factors: high intelligence, high creativity, and high motivation?

Question 43 options:



Question 44 (1 point)










In a normal distribution of information, where will most people’s scores be found?

Question 44 options:

  to the far right in the distribution
  in the centre of the distribution
  to the far left in the distribution
  the distribution is flat, and all scores are equally probable


Question 45 (1 point)










Scott is approximately 10 years old, and his IQ is 115. Which statement about his adult IQ is most likely?

Question 45 options:

  His adult IQ will be significantly higher than his current IQ.
  His adult IQ will be significantly lower than his current IQ.
  His adult IQ will likely be similar to his current IQ.
  His adult IQ cannot be predicted, because IQ is not developmentally stable.


Question 46 (1 point)










Which hypothesis states that facial expressions help create the subjective experience of various emotions?

Question 46 options:

  Emotional transference hypothesis
  Emotional subjectivity hypothesis
  Facial feedback hypothesis
  Emotional feedback hypothesis


Question 47 (1 point)










On a normal distribution, what percentage of scores fall outside of 2 standard deviations from the mean?

Question 47 options:

  Less than 5%
  Less that 0.5%
  More than 68%


Question 48 (1 point)










What is the likely cause of the Flynn effect, which is characterized by rising performance on IQ tests over the past century?

Question 48 options:

  genetic influences on IQ
  group differences in basic intelligence
  changes in testing procedures
  a variety of environmental factors


Question 49 (1 point)










If you are studying children, and assess the same group of children at ages 6, 8, and 10, you are conducting:

Question 49 options:

  Cross-sectional research
  Developmental progression research
  Longitudinal research
  Quasi-experimental research


Question 50 (1 point)










Which of the following correlations represents the strongest relationship?

Question 50 options:



Question 51 (1 point)










According to evolutionary theorists, why did fear evolve?

Question 51 options:

  Fear allowed organisms to escape from or avoid danger.
  Fear is a by-product of a cognitive evaluation of a situation.
  Fear is maladaptive, but it evolved because other emotions are adaptive.
  Fear was present in our ancestral species, and so it continues in humans.


Question 52 (1 point)










Who has been criticized and characterized as a racist for statements he has made regarding race and intelligence?

Question 52 options:

  James Flynn
  David Wechsler
  Arthur Jensen
  Louis Terman


Question 53 (1 point)










The experience of being ignored and excluded by others in your social environment is called:

Question 53 options:



Question 54 (1 point)










Which type of attachment is most common among North American, Asian, and European infants?

Question 54 options:



Question 55 (1 point)










Which of the following statements about test norms is false?

Question 55 options:

  They provide information about where a score on a psychological test ranks in relation to other scores on that test
  They allow a psychologist to determine how a person scores relative to other people
  Norms are based on a standardization group
  The minimum sample size needed to establish norms is 500


Question 56 (1 point)










According to developmental norms, 50% of infants walk well alone at what age?

Question 56 options:

  10 months
  12 months
  15 months
  18 months


Question 57 (1 point)










Based on evidence from longitudinal studies, how stable is personality in adulthood?

Question 57 options:

  An individual’s personality test scores in adolescence are nearly identical to personality test scores in late adulthood.
  Personality continues to evolve throughout adulthood, but an individual’s scores relative to others tend to remain stable.
  Personality test scores are valid, but they have very little test-retest reliability.
  An individual’s personality test scores are highly variable across situations, due to mood effects.


Question 58 (1 point)










According to research using the habituation-dishabituation paradigm, which task can be done by infants as young as five months of age?

Question 58 options:

  solving conservation problems
  hierarchical classification
  adding and subtracting small numbers
  compensating for irreversibility


Question 59 (1 point)










John is very aggressive and domineering in his interactions with others. According to evolutionary theories, John is exhibiting this behavior because, at a foundational level, it:

Question 59 options:

  Maximizes his likelihood of reproductive success
  Is an expression of a primal, animalistic, drive
  Helps reduce tension from undesirable internal states
  Is a result of trauma experienced generations ago


Question 60 (1 point)










During which prenatal stage does the developing human reach the age of viability?

Question 60 options:

  implantation stage
  germinal stage
  embryonic stage
  fetal stage