Answered step-by-step
Question 2 knowledge most likely refers to a recognition and…

Question 2

knowledge most likely refers to a recognition and understanding of factual information.


Question 2 options:




Pizza seeking





Question 4

If the letters OBACKFIBHJCA are rearranged into HBO-JFK-CIA-ABC, they become much easier to store and retrieve from memory. This type of strategy for remembering things is best called:


Question 4 options:


maintenance rehearsal device


method of loci






implicit memory

Question 5

How is the forgetting function discovered by Ebbinghaus (1890) best described?



forgetting is a very slow and gradual, but continuing, process


forgetting does not occur until 24 hours of having learned something but occurs very rapidly thereafter


forgetting occurs very rapidly immediately after learning and then levels off


forgetting is very slow immediately after learning but then declines very rapidly

Question 10


You were an eyewitness to an car accident and are asked to describe what happened. Which of the following tests of memory is most likely being used when you respond as an eyewitness?


In the SENSORY STORE (Neisser), visual information is to _______ as auditory information is to _______.


Question 10 options:


feature; template


precategorical; pattern recognition


iconic; echoic


erasure; decay

Question 11 


A research participant is asked to read a list of words. Then person is given an incomplete word stem, and asked to write a many words as he or she can using the stem. Most individuals respond with more words that were on the original list. This memory research technique is used to study


Question 11 options:


parallel processing memory.


recall memory.


explicit memory.


implicit memory.

Question 12 



In Sperling’s famous experiments testing the capacity of the sensory register in the Information Processing Model, a WHOLE REPORT PROCEDURE consisted of naming?


Question 12 options:


the letters of the row of the letter matrix that was indicated by the tone or marker


the letters of one of the rows of the letter matrix within a given time limit


as many letters as possible from the entire letter matrix


off the bottom row only from the letter matrix

Question 21


For Ebbinghaus (1890), “savings” represented


Question 21 options:


the amount of time required to learn a list the first time


the ability to remember more and more items over many learning trials


the relearning of a previously learned list using fewer learning trials than when the list was first learned


getting an extra large pizza instead of a smaller one

 Question 22


Which of the following memories is best described as the contents of our conscious awareness?


Question 22 options:









Question 25


While quizzing a classmate on material for this test, they say that they know the answer but just can’t come up with it. This best demonstrates a problem with:


Question 25 options:








human brains

Question 29 

Inez has learned that if she uses the material that she is studying in some way, either by applying it to her everyday life, or by tutoring someone else, she remembers it. Inez is actually most likely using:


Question 29 options:


the power of pizza.


elaborative rehearsal.


maintenance rehearsal.


recognition strategies.


Question 31 

Some of you may have learned the lines and spaces of the G-cleft in your music classes by Every Good Baby Does Fine. This is most likely an example of a(n):


Question 31 options:


maintenance rehearsal device


method of loci






implicit memory

Question 41 


If you look up the address of a person you have never visited before & 3 minutes later can no longer remember the address, you should conclude the information was probably held in:


Question 41 options:


procedural memory


short-term memory


long-term memory


a schema


Question 50 


You witnessed a traffic accident and are now in traffic court being cross-examined by the defense attorney. If the defense attorney (for the person causing the wreck) knows about memory and how to manipulate a witness’s recall abilities, which of the following questions would she be most likely to ask?


Question 50 options:


“How fast was my client going when he hit the truck?”


“How fast was my client going when he bumped the truck?”


“How fast was the defendant going when he slammed into the truck?”

Question 51 

When subjects are presented with a stimulus item which is immediately followed by a (“Brown-Peterson Paradigm”) distraction task (e.g., counting backwards) this:


Question 51 options:


really gets the brain juices going.


promotes rehearsal.


interferes with or prevents rehearsal.


none of the above.

Question 54 

Greg was studying for an anatomy test. In order to remember the bones of the foot, he associated each bone with a familiar location in his house. This type of strategy for remembering things is best called


Question 54 options:


word association.


method of loci.


imaginal construction.


peg-word method.

Question 55 

The memory of classically conditioned responses most likely depends primarily on the


Question 55 options:


basal ganglia.






cerebral cortex.