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Viola, a 27-year-old divorced female, described a history,…

Viola, a 27-year-old divorced female, described a history, beginning in early adolescence, of uncontrollable theft and shoplifting. She stole from friends’, family members and stores. Over the course of a few months, she thought about stealing most of the time being awake. First, she had hard time controlling her behaviour when she entered a store. Most of her relationships including her friends, marriage and family members were hurt because of her behaviour. She lost custody over her 2 years old son, when her husband divorced her. Viola and her husband went through marriage counselling previously, and even though she did not acknowledge at the time that she had problems with shoplifting, she made efforts to keep her urges at bay back then. Viola has tried to end her life on two occasions. When her marriage fell apart, and lost custody of her son, she promised herself to get professional help. However, pandemic happened, and she thought that was a great opportunity to gain control over her urges. Her plan was to avoid stores in accordance with the restrictions. There was no chance to visit the friends who were still on speaking terms with her. She was relieved until she realized that during the pandemic shoplifting is more exciting because stores were better monitored with less shoppers at the time. The challenge got her excited more than ever before. Currently, she lies to her ex- husband about her shoplifting behaviour, and denies that the problem still exists. She lies with the hope that she can convince him about considering shared custody. However, she realized that even if/when shared custody will be possible, without help she won’t be able to maintain it 

for too long. She knows that getting caught could cost her future chances to be part of her son’s life.
Viola reports that she currently shoplifts one to three times each week. She describes a rush each time she steals something that she usually throws away or leaves outside the store. She steals various items, none of them she cares about. Viola has daily thoughts and urges to shoplift that preoccupy her for at least 2-3 hours each day. The shoplifting/stealing behaviour and lying cause significant depressive symptoms and feelings of worthlessness. 

Viola never told anyone that the reason behind her suicide was her urges to steal. 

Your client calls the office, and she/he is very upset when she/he talks over the phone. The intake coordinator at your organization answers the phone. The client demands an urgent meeting with her/his counsellor, but that is not possible because the counsellor is on vacation. The client starts to cry and breaks down while talking to the intake coordinator. The intake coordinator realizes while talking to her/him that she/he might be in crisis.

The intake coordinator screens the situation over the phone and that is the part that the person as the intake coordinator will document for this assignment (What questions will be asked? Appropriate screening tools, or own question can be used. Please, give example questions and list of topics that will be covered.) If you identify a screening tool, it is enough to document which one you chose, there is no need to copy the screening tool itself into your assignment document.

Summarize what you imagine the screening would result as per suicidal ideations and risk factors. Use your “previous knowledge” about the client’s situation when imagining this scenario. Instead of an appointment with the counsellor, book an appointment with the case manager who can see the client within 2 hours. The intake coordinator has to make sure that the client is safe for the next two hours based on the information/risk identified during the phone conversation.

As a case manager, the goal of your meeting would be to create non-suicidal agreement, but most importantly a safety plan. Based on the risk level that the intake coordinator told the case manager, the assessment might continue. Document what was part of the safety plan and agreement, what resources were identified. It could be that the level of suicide risk as an outcome is the same, or lower or higher than what the intake coordinator reported. That decision is up to the person who takes this role, but the documented agreement, plan and next steps need to meet the identified risk.

describe both the roles of intake coordinator and case manager