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No explanation needed!!   3. Analyzing the Audience In order to…

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3. Analyzing the Audience

In order to craft effective business messages, beginning writers should follow the writing process closely. The first step in this process is to analyze the purpose and audience of the message.



Which of the following are among the primary purposes for sending business messages? Check all that apply.


To build your network

To entertain

To inform

To persuade

To promote goodwill



Read the following scenario, and answer the questions.


Akihabara Imports offers the widest selection of Japanese animation products available on the Internet. All products are shipped with certificates of authenticity. Choose from our vast selection of action figures, collectibles, DVDs, and print books. Items noted with (*) are signed by the original author. Some supplies are limited, so act now! Use our secure online form for immediate purchase, or call our operators at 555.555.5555, all day and all night, seven days a week.




What is the primary purpose of this message?


To track an order

To respond to a customer complaint

To provide customer service

To sell animation products to a customer



What is the secondary purpose of this message?


To provide customer service

To rebuild the existing customer relationship

To build goodwill with the customer



After identifying the purpose of your message, you should select the most appropriate communication channel. When determining the most effective channel for your message, which of the following should you consider? Check all that apply.


Amount and speed of feedback and interactivity required

Necessity of a permanent record

Amount of effort involved

Confidentiality and sensitivity of the message

Importance of the message

Sender’s composing preference

Degree of formality desired



Consider the following situation and choose the most appropriate communication channel.



You are a manufacturing and production consultant. You were recently hired to investigate the production line of a large manufacturer. You’ve completed the investigation and have some ideas that should help the company operate more efficiently. How should you transmit your ideas?




You should use:    




Technology and competition continue to accelerate the pace of business; thus, business writers switch to increasingly faster means of communication. Consider the following scenario, and determine if a faster communication channel would be more appropriate.



Marianna is writing a letter to a customer informing him that Flannery Electronic will not be able to replace his defective stereo because the warranty has expired.


Marianna should send the message as an email.

Marianna has chosen the correct channel.

Marianna should call the customer.



A good writer anticipates the audience of a message. Although you can’t always know exactly who the audience is, you can imagine the general characteristics of the receiver. Profiling your audience allows you to adopt the appropriate tone, language, and channel.



Which of the following are appropriate questions to ask when profiling your audience? Check all that apply.


What do I know about the audience’s education, beliefs, culture, and attitude?

When will my audience receive my message?

How can I prevent other people from seeing this message?

How does my secondary audience differ from my primary audience?

Do I need to include more background information?



Read the following scenario, and answer the questions.


The financial services department of your company offers a competitive leadership program. After screening and interviewing all applicants, the selection committee has chosen to extend an invitation to Kailee Davalos and Matt Rightson. You have been asked to invite Kailee and Matt to participate in the leadership program.




Should the tone for this message be formal or informal?





Which communication channel would be most appropriate?


Instant message

Face-to-face meeting

Formal report

Phone call


Kailee and Matt will most likely have a    response to the message you send.



Who might be the secondary audience for your message to Kailee and Matt? Check all that apply.


Your boss

Matt’s and Kailee’s friends and family

The customer service department



Assume you just wrote the following e-mail message to your supervisor about industrial espionage.


Dear Mr. Smith:


We have a problem. The other day I saw one of my coworkers loading boxes into the trunk of her car. I offered to help because I thought she was taking work home.


The lid slipped off one of the boxes, and I realized it was full of photocopied plans from our latest prototype. She’s not on the development team, so there’s no reason she should have these documents. I’m not sure what, if anything, I should  about this.



Before sending the message, it occurs to you that your e-mail will probably be forwarded to the legal team.



What will you need to change to make the message appropriate for both your supervisor and the legal team?


Make the message friendlier and use positive language.

Give more specific information, including dates and names.

Make the message more expressive to show your outrage.