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Question 2  (1 point)   Studies suggest that working more than…

Question 2 (1 point)


Studies suggest that working more than ________ in paid employment has a negative effect on students’ grades and their decisions about risky behaviour.

Question 2 options:

  15-20 hours per week
  18-20 hours per week
  10-15 hours per week

5-8 hours per week


Question 6 (1 point)



The theory that the sex differences that occur in mate preferences and mating behaviour are based on the different amounts of time and effort that men and women invest in child-rearing is called


Question 6 options:  


  parental investment theory.
  gender-role theory
  evolutionary theory
  hunter-gatherer theory


Question 8 (1 point)


What happens to marital/partnership satisfaction after the birth of a first child?

Question 8 options:

  It intensifies dramatically.
  It drops but quickly recovers and increases.
  It remains low until the last child leaves.
  Women feel more satisfied but men feel a steady decline.





Question 9 (1 point)


Which theory views sex differences in mate selection as adaptations to gender roles that change with different social realities?

Question 9 options:

  parental investment theory
  assortative mating theory
  social role theory
  social exchange theory

Question 10 (1 point)



The belief in one’s ability to perform some action, or to control one’s behaviour or environment, to reach a goal or to make something happen is called

Question 10 options:


Question 12 (1 point)


Research indicates that both men and women’s mate preferences have changed as women have gained economic power. Which of the following changes in men’s criteria for mate selection is correct?

Question 12 options:

  earning potential replaced attractiveness
  earning potential replaced domestic skills
  earning potential replaced younger age
  earning potential replaced hip-to-waist ratio child-bearing potential





Question 14 (1 point)


Adolescents whose psychological gender is different from their biological sex are known as

Question 14 options:


Question 16 (1 point)


In Canada, the group with the highest suicide rate is

Question 16 options:

  adolescent girls in rural areas.
  First Nations adolescents.
  all adolescent males.
  all adolescent girls.


Attachment theories suggest that when we choose a partner we

Question 17 options:

  seek to develop attachment patterns that are different from our childhood.
  seek to maximize the benefits we get out of the relationship.
  develop attachments that match our internal model of attachment.
  expect our partner to take the primary responsibility in defining attachment.

Question 18 (1 point)


According to research at the University of Guelph, young Canadian adults aged 25 to 44 years old experience

Question 18 options:

  the most time pressure.
  the greatest commitment to their careers.
  the highest level of job satisfaction.
  the most leisure time.



Question 19 (1 point)


According to Erikson, what is the central crisis of early adulthood?

Question 19 options:

  autonomy versus dependence
  identity versus role confusion
  industry versus unemployment
  intimacy versus isolation

Question 20 (1 point)


Throughout the life course, periodic surges in grey-matter production are followed by myelination and

Question 20 options:

  cognitive declines.
  enhanced processing speed.
  synaptic pruning.
  somatosensory function improvements.

Question 21 (1 point)


According to Erikson, the central crisis of adolescence is

Question 21 options:

  identity versus role confusion.
  industry versus inferiority.
  latency versus psychosexual development.
  intimacy versus isolation.

Question 22 (1 point)


At Kohlberg’s ______ level of moral reasoning, the standards the child uses to judge right and wrong are external, based on superior sources of authority, and determined by the outcome or consequences.

Question 22 options:

  universal ethics
  conventional morality
  pre-conventional morality
  principled morality

Question 23 (1 point)


At Kohlberg’s ________ stage of moral reasoning, the rules or norms of a group to which the individual belongs, such as the family, peer group, or religion, become the basis of moral judgments.

Question 23 options:

  social contract orientation
  punishment and obedience orientation
  conventional morality
  naive hedonism

Question 24 (1 point)


According to Marcia’s theory of adolescent identity achievement, adolescent identity formation has two key parts: ________ and ________.

Question 24 options:

  a physical transformation; a psychosocial transition
  an attachment; a separation
  an extrusion; an inclusion
  a crisis; a commitment

Question 25 (1 point)


The parenting style that elicits the most favourable school outcomes and psychological adjustment for teenagers is the ________ style.

Question 25 options:


Question 26 (1 point)


Relativism, dialectical thought, and reflective judgment are thinking capacities associated with

Question 26 options:

  the formal operational stage.
  post-formal thought.
  paradoxical thought.
  contextual validity.

Question 27 (1 point)


What statement best represents current trends in adolescent sexual behaviour in Canada?

Question 27 options:

  The rate of teens who report having sexual intercourse before age 15 has increase
  The rate of 15- to 19-year-old females who reported ever having intercourse has decline
  The rates of sexual activity are higher among teens who are involved in sports or after-school pursuits.
  The rate of condom use with sexual intercourse among teens of both sexes increases with age.

Question 28 (1 point)


According to research, __________ is/are the most common symptom likely to be experienced by recently separated or divorced adults.

Question 28 options:

  automobile accidents
  feelings of failure
  weight loss

Question 29 (1 point)


Which of the following is an example of primary aging?

Question 29 options:

  loss of ability to hear very high and very low tones
  increased maximum oxygen uptake

Question 30 (1 point)


Based upon Daniel Levinson’s theory of adult development, which of the following would NOT cause the development of a new life structure?

Question 30 options:

  becoming middle-aged
  buying a new house