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Gender inequities present in current medical research include: none…

Gender inequities present in current medical research include:

none of the available answer choices
the exclusion of women from federally funded studies.
a greater focus on heart disease in men then women.
the overrepresentation of women in studies that set standards for doses of new medications.


Which of the following is/are true?


all of the available answer choices
Women are more likely than men to report negative feelings about the patient-physician relationship.
Women of color are more likely than white women to be uninsured
Women of color are less likely than white women to get preventive health services such as Pap Smears and breast exams.


Access for sexual minority women to health care tends to be reduced because:

managed-care plans may limit their ability to choose lesbian-friendly health care providers
they are less likely to have health insurance
all of the available answer choices
many avoid gynecological checkups in order to avoid possible negative physician reactions.


The government program designed to provide medical care for the needy of any age is

Social Security


All of the following are true about sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) except:


People with STIs such as herpes, chlamydia and gonorrhea are more likely than others to become infected with HIV.
Women most at risk for STIs are sexually active at an early age, and have sex frequently and with multiple partners
STIs are transmitted more easily to men, especially gay men, than to women.
STIs can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which can result in infertility.


The fastest growing group of Americans infected with HIV are:

women of color
white men
white women
men of color


Which ethnic group of American teen-age and young adult women has the highest rate of AIDS?

Native American


Which of the following statements about the global AIDS epidemic is/are true?

worldwide, approximately 10% of people infected with HIV are women.
The most severely affected world region is North America
In Africa, females are two to five times more likely to develop HIV/AIDS than males.
In India , most women with HIV were infected through intravenous drug use


Which of the following is/are not a symptom of ovarian cancer?

bloating and feeling full quickly
pelvic pain
frequent urination
initial rapid weight gain


By age 60, approximately _____ percent of American women will have had their uterus                                                 removed.



The most common reason for a hysterectomy is:

cervical cancer
ovarian cancer
fibroid tumors
uterine cancer


Which of the following increase(s) bone mass?



With regard to heart disease, women are more likely than men:

all of the available answer choices
to suffer a fatality after a heart attack
to die post treatment
to suffer from a second heart attack


Which of the following reduces a woman’s risk of heart disease?

consuming one alcoholic drink a day
hormone replacement therapy, when started late in menopause
hormone replacement therapy, when started late in menopause and consuming one alcoholic drink a day


What percentage of women who develop breast cancer do not die of the disease?



Which of the following is true regarding mammograms?

none of the available answer choices
The purpose of a mammogram is to destroy lumps, detected through self-examination.
A mammogram is an MRI of the breast tissue.
Approxamately 1 in 4 women age 40 and over have had a mammogram in the last year or two.


Removal of the breast only, as a treatment for breast cancer, is known as:

modified radical mastectomy
simple mastectomy
radical mastectomy


Research indicates that for small tumors in the early stages of breast cancer, __________ followed by radiation treatment, is as effective as ___________.

modified radical mastectomy; chemotherapy
chemotherapy; lumpectomy
lumpectomy, mastectomy
simple mastectomy; chemotherapy


Which of these chemicals is not used to treat breast cancer?

aromatase inhibitors
estrogen blockers such as raloxifene
insulin- like growth factor


Which is true of lung cancer?

women develop lung cancer at older ages than men
Among those who have never smoked, women are more likely than men to develop lung cancer.
Women’s lung cancer rates have been decreasing since the mid-20th century
It is the second leading cause of cancer death in women, after breast cancer.


Which of the following is one of the ten leading causes of death for men, but not for women?

kidney disease
unintentional injuries


Which group of women has the lowest rate of smoking?

Asian americans


Mortality rates from ____________ are higher for Black women than for White women

car accidents
chronic obstructive lung disease


All of the following are classified as IADLs (instrumental activities of daily living) except:

doing homework
managing money
taking medications


Which of the following statements about physical exercise is/are true?

More educated women are more likely to engage in exercise than are less educated women.
c. White women are less likely than ethnic minority women to engage in exercise.
More educated women are more likely to engage in exercise than are less educated women Women of all ages are less likely than men to engage in physical exercise.
Women of all ages are less likely than men to engage in physical exercise.