Answered step-by-step
Relapse Prevention Plan Angel You have been the treatment…

Relapse Prevention Plan Angel

You have been the treatment team to assist in the preparation of a relapse prevention plan worksheet from Angel’s perspective. 

The goal is to show a seamless transition from treatment services into long term recovery and successful completion if supervision from the corrections system.


A. A word summary for the treatment team. The summary must be written in Third Person. Only the Relapse Prevention Plan worksheet is to be written in Angel’s words. 


Questions: Explain why you believe this relapse prevention plan, prepared from the clients point of view, would be effective. Include the following in the summary: Explain 3 evidence based strategies that are evident in your relapse plan. Provide a thorough description of each evidence based strategy, explaining why each evidence based strategy is relevant in this case. 

Include 2 references supporting why each element of the plan is appropriate and would be successful for the client.


B. Relapse prevention plan worksheet from Angels perspective

Please include 3 evidence based strategies and 2 references(and the in-text citations) that support how this would be an effective plan.

1. Goal Identification 

What would you like to continue to focus on improving? (ie, losing weight, saving money to buy a car, finding a better job)

2. What encourages you? What outcomes of the changes motivate you? (i.e., fitting into your clothes, working out in the gym, gaining computer skills)

3. Difficulties you might encounter… What difficulties might you encounter? These could be triggers that may challenge you(i.e., going to the old neighborhood, relational break ups, losing a job)

4. My coping skills… These are the skills and tools used to cope and maintain sobriety (i.e. calling my coach/sponsor,regularly going to meetings, mindfulness playing the tape to the end)

5. Relapse prevention Action Steps.. These action steps are put in place to prevent relapse from happening (i.e. building sober support system, giving back to the community through service, attending faith based community activities, exercising, thinking before acting

6. My self care plan.. Identify how you will grow your life by taking care of your mind, body and spirit (i.e. acquire new skills, chair a meeting, stretch, attend workshops, gain faith-based or spiritual insight)

7. Sober people who support me… Who are sober people who support you, are your cheer leaders and want you to succeed? (i.e., parents, spouse, siblings, sponsor/coach, pastor)

8. I will stay accountable by these consequences…If you have a lapse or don’t meet my goal, i must keep myself accountable(i.e. i will fine myself 10,00 a day, I will volunteer for additional service to my community, 1 hour every day I was short my goal)

9. I am grateful for… Daily expression of the things in life you are grateful for reminds us of how far we have came and who has helped us along the way. 



Angel Case proposed Treatment Plan to help answer questions

Angel is a 44-year-old male who struggles with alcohol use, substance use, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. After enlisting in the army in his 20’s, his alcohol use began to make him feel better due to his episodes of anxiety, making it hard for Angel to interact with his peers. After being deployed to Iraq the stress and danger he encountered while working as a military police officer made Angel’s anxiety extreme which made his problems worse. Due to his alcohol and cocaine use, he was dishonorably discharged, and further tensions caused a domestic violence episode that resulted in Angel’s arrest. Consequently, he was sentenced to 48 hours of community services, two years probation, and attendance at domestic violence classes. As he prepares to become in January, Angel seeks assistance to better manage his substance abuse and anxiety. Although separated he and his wife still communicate daily. 

Angels’ treatment plan should have short and long-term goals.  Short-term goals should be to reduce harmful drug use patterns, raise awareness of anxiety and substance abuse triggers, and boost self-efficiency. Long term goals are successfully obtaining and maintaining self-restraint from drugs, mid term goals should be to lessen the period of anxiety and lower the danger and length of depressive symptoms. 

Objectives for Angels treatment include attending psychoeducational sessions to increase his comprehensive of the dangerous effects of alcohol and drugs, taking part in group therapy and individual therapy to develop healthy coping mechanisms, enrolling in anger management classes, take part in relapse prevention skills training to address and recognize triggers for substance use and creating and implementing a personal action plan. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, psychoeducational sessions, support groups, holistic intervention, restroative practices, relaxation techniques, and lifestyle changes can be in Angels plan interventions.