Answered step-by-step
1. More recently, researchers have described children’s…

1. More recently, researchers have described children’s difficulties with conservation as a result of a limited amount of automaticity.





2. Vygotsky believed that knowledge is constructed through ______.

brain functions influenced by the environment


innate biological processes


stages of development


social, cultural, and historical surroundings

3. What impact does age have on verbatim memory according to the fuzzy trace theory?

Young children are more likely to have a verbatim memory while older children will remember the gist of an event according to the fuzzy trace theory.


Young children are more likely to remember the gist of an event while older children have a verbatim memory for the event according to the fuzzy trace theory.


Young children are more likely to use rehearsal while older children are more likely to have an imaginary audience in their memory according to the fuzzy trace theory.


Young children are more likely to have an imaginary audience in their memory while older children will use rehearsal according to the fuzzy trace theory.


4. How do Vygotsky and Piaget differ philosophically about learning?

Vygotsky believed learning begins in the social world, while Piaget believed that learning was largely independent.


Vygotsky believed that learning was the result of false memories, while Piaget believed that learning was due to false memories.


Vygotsky believed that learning was largely independent, while Piaget believed that learning begins in the social world.


Vygotsky believed that learning was due to false memories, while Piaget believed that learning was the result of deferred imitation.

5. Miguel is watching a magician do trick with a coin. He watches as the magician makes the coin disappear, and when he makes it come back he has two coins. When he puts the two coins under a cup, then when it is lifted there are five coins. Miguel is very interested in watching all of this. According to the theory of core knowledge, this is due to which concept?

hypothetico-deductive reasoning


fuzzy trace theory


deferred imitation


violation of expectations

6. In which stage of cognitive development, does Piaget theorize that children use fantasy play, language, and drawings as symbolic thought?



concrete operations


formal operations



7. r. Gregorio is conducting a research study of cognitive development in children. She uses the same measure on 4 different groups of children, each she states are at a different stage of cognitive development. She is a big proponent of the constructivist view and that environment influences cognitive growth. Dr. Gregorio MOST likely supports which theory of cognitive development?

Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory


theory of core knowledge


information processing


Piaget’s cognitive theory


8. Olivia, a 10-month-old girl, watched as her sister shook her toy to make it play music. Her sister moved on to another toy in the playroom. After about 15 minutes had passed, Olivia started to crawl around the playroom and found the same toy her sister had played with. Now Olivia began to shake it like her sister did. Which is Olivia demonstrating?

executive function




deferred imitation


infantile amnesia

9. Declan is building with his blocks. His father can hear him in the other room. “First, you put the big blocks on the bottom. Then you put smaller blocks on top of that.” Which concept is Declan illustrating?





private speech


cognitive flexibility


10. Experiments called violation of expectations paradigms were based on the understanding of attention, sustained and selective.




11. Melissa, a 4 year old, was playing with her siblings when her mother said that it was time to get ready for bed. Melissa looked at her mother and said “But it can’t be time for bed because you haven’t read me any stories.” This interaction represents which kind of reasoning according to Piaget?








12. How are Piaget and Vygotsky similar in their understanding of how children learn?

Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that children were passive in their understanding rather than constructing knowledge.


Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that children habituated rather than had sustained attention to learn information.


Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that children construct their understanding rather than being passive.


Both Piaget and Vygotsky believed that children had sustained attention to learn rather than habituated knowledge.

13. Which is a concept that children use to help them remember things through repetition?








14. Which concept refers to providing support to learning things that are just out of reach of children’s abilities?

private speech







15. What impact did the violation of expectation paradigms have on how infants understand the world?

The violation of expectation paradigms suggested that adults using metacognition will aid infants to begin private speech.


The violation of expectation paradigms suggested that infants, like adults, will look at things longer when they are surprised by them.


The violation of expectation paradigms suggested that adults using transductive reasoning will aid infants to understand the approximate number system.


The violation of expectation paradigms suggested that infants understand conservation well before what Piaget theorized.