Answered step-by-step
By completing this assignment, you will practice communication…

By completing this assignment, you will practice communication skills as well as show your ability to think critically about the information you are learning. This extra level of processing

After reading Chapter 2 of Make it Stick, make an executive summary that addresses the following questions:

Describe the testing effect
Describe two examples that illustrate the retrieval/testing effect.
Describe how these principles might be employed in a corporate training session your company is considering developing (the topic of the training can be anything you choose, so long as it’s a realistic training choice for a company).
What makes a good quiz/test?
What was the single most interesting thing you learned from this.

An executive summary is a one-page (single-spaced) big-picture answer to the most important questions that the “boss” or head of a project needs to know. In other words, “executive” refers to who the summary is for; “summary” means exactly that – in your own words, what does it all mean? What is the takeaway point? What is important to be emphasized? When I strip away all the extras, what is the key, core message?


For this summary, since you were given specific questions to answer, you should dedicate a paragraph or so to each question. Executive summaries are rarely, if ever, more than a page long, so make sure you’re thorough as well as succinct! For this assignment, address the executive summary to one of two people:

The person you identify as “boss” in your place of employment
The instructor of one of your courses (the “corporate training session” in this case would be a module over a certain topic, e.g. Perception)


Make it Stick Discussion Questions Ch. 3



Based upon the reading from this chapter, what is the best way to study for the upcoming


Instead of using just one strategy to study for the test and repeating study guides

and quizzes in chronological order based on the chapters on the test, I think the best way to study

would be to have a comprehensive quiz or study guide that didn’t have the luxury of telling me

which chapter I was learning. the “interleaved” and “varied” practice methods would be more difficult, but better ingrained memory and understanding of the information.




The book discusses differences between learning methods in the believed efficiency,

actual efficiency, and long term remembering. How are these different for mass practice

and interleaved practice.

For mass practice, believed efficiency was obviously quite high, because although

lots of information would be studied and practiced, it’s much more obvious and easy to feel like

results are seen from studying “well”. However, actual efficiency is not completely non-existent,

but it is among the lowest out of all of the practice strategies given in the chapter. Because the

strategy seems to deliver easy results, there isn’t a drive to learn the material deeper. The book

gives an analogy of binging-and-purging the information, because long term remembering may

happen for a little bit of the information, but most of it comes right back out in short order.

The difference in interleaved practice was an essential 180º turn in the positive

direction, because although believed efficiency was not very high, interleaved practice is much

better for productive studying. Teachers and students don’t usually like it because it doesn’t give

the illusion of easy and quick learning, but studies continue to show that it is much more

successful than mass practice. What students missed in believed efficiency was backed up by

actual effeciency all the way, because unlike mass practice, interleaved practice allows for a

deeper level of learning and better recall because of it. Long-term remembering is proven to be

much better in interleaved practice as well.




Discuss how a partner in your group might employ spaced or interleaved practice in

studying for another class.

Usually I study for any test or quiz by looking through the book, powerpoint, or

given information in chronological order and don’t deviate much from this. This is especially

relevant when I am studying for physiological psychology, and although it is easier, I could

employ interleaved practice by randomizing the order in which I review or quiz myself, allowing

for a broader comprehension and more difficult but better practice for recalling all the





Scotty P. is a sophomore who is taking classes in American history, art history,

developmental psychology, and abnormal psychology.

He is only able to study for two

classes each day. According to the principal of interleaved practice which classes should

Scotty study on the same day?




Scotty would likely take a day to study psychology as a whole because it would

make more sense to most, but according to the interleaved practice principle, Scotty should study

for one psychology class and then switch to one of the history classes to study. Because the

subjects are interleaved (mixed), the ability to recall information in different contexts and apply

it/remember it long-t