Answered step-by-step
In advance I apologize for asking a lot of questions in this one…

In advance I apologize for asking a lot of questions in this one question.


Q1. Write a summary explaining the following topics:

(a) The Self in social psychology

(b) Emotions and affect

(c) Aggression and antisocial behaviour

(d) Attraction and Exclusion

(e) Prejudice and Intergroup Relations


Q2. In 5-6 sentences respond to the following paragraphs: 


(a) The mere exposure effect suggested by Robert Zajonc states that the more we are exposed to something (like faces) the more we will get used to them and like them. So, this made me wonder, if this is true then why does racism still exist? You would think that seeing different people of all sorts of colors, then we would grow to learn to accept people for being different. I know the book also mentions that racism is difficult to change though through the black lives matter movement white people were less pro white and there wasn’t much change in black people as far as automatic attitude goes. I just found this interesting. 


(b) When I saw that the book mentioned David Ogilvy in chapter 8, my eyes immediately lit up. For preface, I’m a marketing major and work as a content creator for brands, so creating short-form advertisements is one of my passions! David Ogilvy states, “a good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself”, and I could not agree more.

Some of the clients I create videos for insist I follow a script when I film, and I can’t help but cringe sometimes. As the textbook says, “people are more persuaded by messages that do not seem to be designed to influence them”. I wish more of my clients knew that! They want me to have an over exaggerated hook, make excessive claims that probably make the viewer feel like I’m talking down to them, and direct calls-to-action like “get yours now by visiting”, or “swipe up for 30% off!”. This makes the viewer fully aware that they’re being sold to, resulting in less of a chance they’ll make a purchase.

The product should instead be incorporated naturally while subtly highlighting its benefits. This makes the video feel much more personable and leads to higher conversions, as the source feels trustworthy. 


(c) In the book there is mention about the woman generally being the picky one when it comes to sex because she will take the responsibility of bearing and raising the child if she were to get pregnant. It also says that men were more likely to be less picky and more willing to take risks to spread their seeds more for biological reasons- genes wanting to go on to the next generation. As a woman I find this to be true, but I also think it is important to have a reasonable amount of partners before choosing to settle down “forever”. I say this because there are nasty words for women when they sleep around but for men, it is not shunned, it is usually celebrated by their friends and such. My own father disowned me when he found out I was sleeping around, but congratulated my brother for doing so. I told him his judgments were not fair, because at the end of the day the only difference is that I am female and my brother is male. Anyway, at the end of the day I chose my husband, and sex in a relationship was one of the top three things of importance to me, and I am glad I did what I did and married who I did! So in my earlier post I said passion does die down eventually in a marriage/relationship, so it is also important to find someone you can consider to be a longtime partner.


(d) I never knew how easy it is to make someone part of a group. To me a group was something that you want to belong to like a team, a family, a group of friends, or a graduating class. There are so many other groups you can belong to. A group can also be how you want to be identified. It falls into a group norm, social roles and also how your attitudes are held. One might belong to a group of people who listen to certain music. Everyone wants to belong and it feels great when you belong to a group. You have friends and you have people you can share your interests too. A group is important to someone  because it is how one identifies themselves. If one does not have a group you are misplaced, and sometimes you don’t even feel yourself if you’re in the wrong group.