Answered step-by-step
For her senior thesis, Denisa asked some participants to agree to…

For her senior thesis, Denisa asked some participants to agree to wear a cumbersome device for a full day. Other participants were asked to do a short survey before being asked to wear the cumbersome device. The truth was that there wasn’t a cumbersome device, but rather Denisa just wanted to assess participants’ willingness to agree to a large request. Since deception was used in Denisa’s experiment, the debriefing should describe:

A. diffusion of responsibility.

B. the foot-in-the-door technique.

C. the door-in-the-face technique.

D.the bystander effect.


2. Chu Hua is interested in politics and believes an upcoming election is important to the future. For a campaign staffer trying to appeal to voters like Chu Hua, a campaign message relying on the _____ route would be supported by research on persuasion.


B. central

C. peripheral

D. secondary


3. In the Stanford Prison Study, participants were randomly assigned to be prisoners and guards. The guards wore khaki prison uniforms, carried nightsticks, and wore sunglasses, whereas the prisoners wore prison garb with their prison numbers on the back. These costumes signified the participants’ social:

A. schemas.

B. identities.

C. norms.

D. roles.


4. In 2010, a homeless man was stabbed in the chest and left to die after trying to help a woman under assault. Surveillance video showed that more than 25 people walked past the man with at least one stopping to take a photo of the homeless man dying before for walking away. The facts of this incident reflect:

A. the bystander effect.

B. social loafing.

C. the just-world hypothesis.

D. groupthink.


5. The affective component of Saanvi’s attitude toward same-sex marriage includes the fact that she:

A. feels good about voting for same-sex marriage in a statewide referendum.

B. is gratified to hear that a same-sex marriage referendum passed in a neighboring state.

C. signs a petition to repeal a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage in her state.

D. believes that everyone should be afforded the same opportunity to marry.


6. The highest form of love in Sternberg’s theory includes all three components: Passion, intimacy, and commitment. It is called _____ love.
A. fatuous

B. consummate

C. companionate

D. romantic


7. Across cultures, people rate _____ attractive.
A. small waistlines in women as

B. longer hair in women as

C. facial symmetry as

D. no features as universally


8. Several racially prejudiced high school students discussed racial issues together. During the conversation, their attitudes became even more prejudiced. To avoid the risk of _____, it would be important for these students to hear from others with opposing opinions.

A. diffusion of responsibility

B. social facilitation

C. deindividuation

D. group polarization


9. Identical twins have more similar attitudes on topics such as politics than do fraternal twins, which suggests that _____ plays a role in developing attitudes.

A. observational learning

B. classical conditioning

C. operant conditioning

D. heritability

10. Relatively stable thoughts, feelings, and responses toward objects, people, situations, or ideas are called:

A. attributions.

B. appraisals.

C. schemas.

D. attitudes.


11. In some social psychological experiments, _____ must be used because people do not always behave in a natural way when they know that they are being observed.

A. false consensus

B. attributions

C. deception

D. sociology  


12. _____ is defined as intimidating or threatening behavior or attitudes intended to hurt someone..

A. Discrimination

B. Aggression

C. Prejudice

D. Attribution

13. A year after being involved in the Milgram experiment, participants were given psychiatric evaluations to determine whether any long-term damage had been done. Milgram found that:

A. about 10% of participants showed signs of PTSD.

B. about 50% of participants showed signs of PTSD.

C. none of them showed signs of harm.

D. about 25% of participants showed signs of PTSD.

14. The primary criticism of Milgram’s work is that it was not:
A. ethical.

B. meaningful.

C. valid.

D. replicable.


15. Before the experiment, Milgram asked a panel of experts how far they thought participants would go, and the experts predicted that most participants would:

A. stop giving shocks once the learner demanded the experiment to stop.

B. refuse to participate in the experiment from the start.

C. give shocks through the very end of the study.

D. stop giving shocks once the learner pretended to pass out.

16. A(n) _____ attribution is when one believes that the cause of another’s behavior is temporary.

A. internal

B. uncontrollable

C. dispositional

D. unstable

17. When Julius asked his father to shelter 11 orphans in their one-room home, he used a form of _____, an intentional effort to change people’s attitudes or behaviors.

A. obedience

B. conformity

C. compliance

D. persuasion


18. The reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group are known as:

A. group polarization.

B. social facilitation.

C. deindividuation.

D. reciprocal altruism.


19. Dr. Pham found that class projects were of poorer quality when students worked in groups than when each student did an individual project. This difference can be explained by the phenomenon of:

A. group polarization.

B. social loafing.

C. social facilitation.

D. the bystander effect.

20. _____ involves changing behavior voluntarily at the request of an individual with no real authority..

A. Obedience

B. Compliance

C. Conformity

D. Persuasio