Answered step-by-step
13. Which of the following is considered to be the biggest threat…

13. Which of the following is considered to be the biggest threat to accuracy and reliability?


a. technical error

b. bias erorr

c. reliability error

d. human error


14. Melissa is concerned as she suspects that observer drift is causing measurement errors for one of her student’s programming. To minimize this concern, what should Melissa do?


a. train or retrain staff observers


b. adjust observation sessions


c. use staff who are not biased


d. switch to a discontinuous measurement system


15. If a researcher is conducting a multiple baseline design across settings, and mid-way through the study a new setting becomes available, what should the researcher do?


a. start the study over again

b. exclude this new setting from the study

c. use a delayed multiple baseline design

d. use a reversal or withdrawal design


16. Jenny, a BCBA, is drafting an intervention plan seeking to reduce the tantrum behavior of a three-year-old client who is exhibiting this behavior every morning for the first ½ hr. when dropped off at preschool. Jenny knows to be conservative with respect to the timing of her observation. Accordingly, when should Jenny’s observations occur?


a. immediately following drop off

b. at drop off and once in the afternoon

c. equal time in morning and afternoon

d. throughout the day


17. Which of the following are the various degrees of scientific understanding?


a. verification, prediction, and replication

b. description, prediction, and control

c. internal, external, and scientific validity

d. accuracy, reliability, and validity


18. Kris is observing the time her client spends walking on the treadmill at the health club. Karen is assisting and observing simultaneously so as to assess IOA.  A stringent assessment of IOA with the data below would yield agreement equal to which of the following?







Obs 1






Obs 2







a. 68.3%

b. 83%

c. 94.4%

d. 59%



Jason is a 1:1 student aid who is implementing a time sampling procedure collecting data specific to his students behavior of playing cards with peers.  Behavior currently occurs at very low rates. Which of the following methods should Jason use to calculate IOA?


a. total count

b. interval-by-interval

c. total duration

d. scored interval


20. Laura works in an after school program and is teaching 3 of the student’s to tie their shoes. To do so she is implementing an intervention which includes a chaining procedure (teaching a specific sequence of skills). The students do not appear to enjoy this activity and are slow to respond to Laura’s directives.  Other staff is not available to assist with the instruction and Laura’s availability is limited. To experimentally assess the effectiveness of her intervention under these circumstances, which of the following should Laura select?


a. multiple baseline design

b. multiple probe design

c. a histogram

d. reversal design


21. One of the differences between a group design and a single case design is that:


a. group designs use inferential statistics to evaluate their results while single case designs use visual analysis


b. Group designs involve many participants while since case designs only have 1


c. Single case designs allow us to determine a causal relation, while group designs only allow us to make inferences


d. group designs use visual analysis to evaluate their results while single case designs use inferential statistics


22. Read the Abstract exert below:

“…the purpose of this descriptive and cross-sectional study is to explore the relationships between managers’ leadership styles and employees’ job satisfaction in Isfahan University Hospitals, Isfahan, Iran, 2004… employees demonstrated less satisfaction with salaries, benefits, work conditions, promotion and communication as satisfier factors and more satisfaction with factors such as the nature of the job, co-workers and supervision type factors. There was significant correlation (p<0.001) between the use of leadership behaviors and employees and job satisfaction..."   What is the dependent variable in this study?   a. promotion and communication b. leadership behaviors c. job satisfaction d. there isn't one, job satisfaction is not a behavior   23. Tiffany is growing bored during a faculty meeting and begins to look around the room. She observes a colleague seated within the row next to her who has begun to intermittently "click" his pen.  The pen clicking is best described as?   a. suspicious behavior b. superstitious behavior c. free operant d. habituation   24. If an intervention is added after a baseline condition, then removed, and the rates of the target behavior do not return to the original baseline levels, which of the following would we say occurred?    a. verification b. affirmation of the consequent c. prediction d. irreversability   25. A student who can demonstrate a skill in June before school ends, but not in September, when a new year begins, has failed to demonstrate which of the 7 dimensions of ABA?   a. generality b. replication c. technological d. effectiveness   26. Arthur is implementing an intervention plan specific to increasing the number of times each day Henry cleans up after himself following his meals and snacks. He hopes to be able to demonstrate that the behavior improves once the intervention is in place. What type of visual display should Arthur use?   a. bar graph b. histogram c. pie chart d. line graph