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Q5 Passage A With the government giving multibillion-dollar loans…


Passage AWith the government giving multibillion-dollar loans to the auto industry and spending hundreds of billions to bail out financial firms, we are well on our way to nationalizing all of the nation’s industries. It won’t be long before we are a socialist economy that completely forsakes the free-market ideals that made this country great.

Passage A     commit a fallacy; specifically, it      commit a slippery slope fallacy.


Passage BOur production auditors have recommended some relatively inexpensive and easy ways to improve the efficiency of our production methods. If we improve the efficiency of our production methods, we will be able to lower the cost of production. Lower production costs will, in turn, improve our profit margins. So if we want to improve our profitability, we should begin by implementing the recommendations of our auditors.

Passage B     commit a fallacy; specifically, it     commit a slippery slope fallacy.


Passage CI can’t let you go to Las Vegas for the weekend. If you go to Las Vegas, you’ll end up playing blackjack and losing all of your money. Then you’ll be stuck there with no money, living on the streets and panhandling just to get enough money to buy food. You don’t want that to happen.

Passage C     commit a fallacy; specifically, it     commit a slippery slope fallacy.


Passage DThere’s been a lot of talk lately about legalizing marijuana. But if we start legalizing drugs, there’s no reason to stop at marijuana. We’ll have to legalize hallucinogens—and heroin, too. Eventually kids will be buying crack cocaine at the local pharmacy. Surely, we can all agree that we don’t want that.

Passage D     commit a fallacy; specifically, it      commit a slippery slope fallacy.


Passage ERobert Wagner says that a reverse mortgage might be a good way for retirees to access their home equity. I have always admired Robert Wagner as an actor, so I should seriously consider a reverse mortgage.

Passage E     commit a fallacy; specifically, it      commit a slippery slope fallacy.



Passage ABilly likes to eat potato chips, corn chips, and chocolate chips. So, Billy would probably enjoy eating wood chips.

Passage A     commit a fallacy; specifically, it      commit a fallacy of weak analogy.


Passage BI saw three teenagers skipping school and playing poker in a neighbor’s garage last week. High school students are just a bunch of truant hoodlums these days.

Passage B     commit a fallacy; specifically, it     commit a fallacy of weak analogy.


Passage CJust because no one has seen a dodo bird since the seventeenth century doesn’t mean the dodo has gone extinct. There may be a small population of dodo birds somewhere that we just haven’t found yet.

Passage C     commit a fallacy; specifically, it     commit a fallacy of weak analogy.


Passage DWendy enjoys the music of Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms. Since all of these composers’ names begin with a B, Wendy would probably enjoy my compositions, too: My name is Brumfield.

Passage D     commit a fallacy; specifically, it      commit a fallacy of weak analogy.


Passage EBarbara and Jack went to the same high school, took similar classes, and had the same grade point average. When she went to college, Barbara found that her high school education had left her very well-prepared for her studies as an engineering major. So it is safe to assume that Jack is similarly well prepared, should he also decide to study engineering in college.

Passage E     commit a fallacy; specifically, it      commit a fallacy of weak analogy.



Passage A


If we let the government limit the purchase of semiautomatic assault rifles, then there will be nothing to stop it from limiting the purchase of our hand guns and hunting rifles. Next, they’ll be coming into our homes and taking away the guns we already own. We must prevent the ban on assault weapons.


Which of the following best describes the type of fallacy committed in Passage A?


Appeal to unqualified authority

False cause

No fallacy

Hasty generalization

Slippery slope


Passage B


Tom Cruise, the famous actor, said that psychiatry is a pseudoscience and that there is no such thing as a medically treatable “chemical imbalance.” Thus, the Food and Drug Administration should ban the prescription of antidepressants.




Which of the following best describes the type of fallacy committed in Passage B?


No fallacy

Slippery slope

False cause

Appeal to unqualified authority

Appeal to ignorance


Passage C


We don’t know that someone will not invent a time-travel machine at some point in the future, so we must assume that time travel is possible.



Which of the following best describes the type of fallacy committed in Passage C?


Appeal to ignorance

Weak analogy

Hasty generalization

Slippery slope

No fallacy



Passage D


Every time I am awakened by the alarm at the fire station down the street, I learn that a fire has broken out nearby. If we want to reduce the risk of fire in our neighborhood, we should prohibit the fire station from sounding its alarm.


Which of the following best describes the type of fallacy committed in Passage D?


Slippery slope

Appeal to unqualified authority

False cause

Hasty generalization

No fallacy