Answered step-by-step
1. The formation of self depends on man’s behavior. a. Ryle b….

1. The formation of self depends on man’s behavior.

a. Ryle

b. Augustine

c. Aquinas

d. Hume

2. The mind and body is intertwined and cannot be separated.

a. Aquinas

b. Socrates

c. Descartes

d. Merleau-Ponty

3. Everyman is composed of a body and soul.

a. Hume

b. Ryle

c. Socrates

d. Kant

4. The soul is permanent while the body is impermanent.

a. Plato

b. Socrates 

c. Hume 

d. Descartes

5. Matha describes herself as fun, smart and witty. She is actually referring to the concept of psychological self known as “Me”.

a. True

b. False

6. When we are able to handle our emotions, we allow our spirited aspect to be at work.

a. Hume

b. Ryle

c. Aquinas

d. Plato

7. infants need to feel cared for and loved. What stage of psychosocial development is described in this statement?

a. initiative vs. guilt

b. Autonomy vs shame and doubt

c. industry vs inferiority

d. trust vs mistrust

8. The soul is what animates the body, it is what makes us humans.

a. Kant

b. Descartes

c. Aquinas

d. Merleau-Ponty

9. Being human means having a mind and body.

A. Hume

b. Aquinas 

c. Ryle

d. Descartes

10. It is composed of personal characteristics, social roles, and responsibilities, as well as affiliations that define who one is.

a. Self

b. Self-concept

c. self-esteem

d. identity

11. It is a type of self that often referred to as an object of reflection and evaluation.

a. The Us

b. The me

c. The We

d. The I

12. The body is an extension of the mind.

a. Descartes 

b. Plato

c. Ryle

d. Hume

13. He believes that a man has an aspect who lives in the world that is imperfect and continuously yearns with the divine while the other is reaching immortality.

a. Hume

b. Augustine

c. Aquinas

d. Descartes

14. You see an old lady carrying a bag and about to cross the pedestrian. As a student, you ______

a. Laugh at her

b. Do nothing

c. Carry her bag and help her cross the pedestrian

d. Let the old lady cross the pedestrian

15. Ben saw that there are some writings on the walls along the hallway of their school. He knows that the school has a very strict rule on vandalism. This thought is an example of.

a. Id

b. Ego

c. Superego

d. Alter ego

16. Behaviors of the person manifest in his day-to-day life activity. Therefore, the behavior of the person the only thing define his self.

a. True

b. Maybe

c. Not at all the time

d. False

17. Norma is very conscious about her look and very much particular about what people will say to her. This type of self is.

a. The Us

b. The me

c. The We

d. The I

18. Man is emphasizes the importance of the soul and its component.

a. Descartes

b. Aquinas

c. Plato

d. Socrates

19. He quotes “cognito Ergo sum”, meaning I think therefore I am.

a. Hume

b. Aquinas

c. Ryle

d. Descartes

20. When we as human beings still get stuck on what happened in our lives 7 years ago. Feeling the same emotion are self appears to be focused on the idea of time and space built in our minds, according to.

a. Augustine

b. Descartes

c. Aquinas

21. Diana identifies herself with her family. She learned to pray before eating. She learned to think others. This is an example of.

a. Language 

b. Thought

c. Behavior

d. Beliefs and traditions

22. The following are the personality consists of interacting system except.

a. Id

b. Ego

c. Superego

d. Alter ego

23. Body is nothing else but the machine that is attached to the mind.

a. Descartes 

b. Augustine

c. Ryle

d. Aquinas

24. A child’s speech development is one of the examples of _______.

a. Discontinuity

b. Nature

c. Continuity

d. Nurture

25. James, when his teacher about who he is, typically gives his full name and says something about his family. What type of self shown in this scenario?

a. Self-concept

b. self

c. Identity

d. Self-esteem

26. Our self is made of different experiences.

a. Hume

b. Merleau-Ponty

c. Ryle

d. Kant

27. The following are the examples of physical development except.

a. Development of speech

b. formation of muscles

c. Changes in height

d. Changes in emotion

28. social constructivists argued that most all of the self is made-up of the external world.

a. True

b. False

29.  In the Psychological view of self, the words self, identity, and self concept are not fixed in one time frame.

a. True

b. False

30. only Vygotsky believes that human mind is made-up through the language.

a. True

b. False

31. Each developmental stage is characterized by a different psychological opportunity, which must be resolved by the individual before the individual can move on to the next stage.

a. True

b. False

32. According to Erikson, the best time to build the self or Identify it at a school age

a. True

b. False

33. Our sense of self built upon the life long experience of seeing ourselves through the eyes of others.

a. True

b. False

34. In psychological view of self, when we talk about the “I”, we consider it as an active agent who acts on the word as well as being influenced by that word.

a. True

b. False

35. According to Rogers (1992), the most basic part of the self-scheme or self-concept is having a sense of being separate and distinct from others, and awareness of the constancy of the cell.

a. True

b. False

36. Carl Rogers (1959 )believes that the self-concept is the view you have of yourself.

a. True

b. False

47. The experience of the self includes consciousness of one’s physicality as well as one’s inner character and emotional life.

a. True

b. False