Answered step-by-step
For Questions 20 – 23 refer to Table 1-C. A researcher is…

For Questions 20 – 23 refer to Table 1-C.

A researcher is interested in determining just how much negative interactions with strangers affect our sense of well-being. In this example, participants completed a scale of positive affect. Later, either a pleasant or unpleasant confederate is randomly assigned to interact with each participant. At the end of the experiment, participants’ positive affect is again assessed. Positive affect scores could range from 1 (low positive affect) to 15 (high positive affect).

Table 1-C


                                                            TIME POSITIVE AFFECT ASSESSED


                                             BEFORE EXPERIMENT       AFTER EXPERIMENT         ROW M

Confederate      Pleasant             11.10                                        13.30                         12.20

Demeanor        Unpleasant         10.60                                          3.50                           7.05

                        COLUMN M        10.85                                          8.40                       


                                                                                                          Pop. M = 9.63




SOURCE                                       SS               df                MS               F                  p


Between subjects effects

      Confederate Demeanor         265.23         1            3705.63       420.43        .000

      Error                                        158.65       18                8.81     


Within subjects effects

      Time                                       60.03           1              60.03         18.14          .000

      Confederate x Time             216.23          1             216.23        65.69          .000


Error                                           59.25           18               3.29

20.Refer to Table 1-C. This example represents a

a. one-way ANOVA for independent samples.

b. two-way ANOVA for independent samples.

c. two-way ANOVA for correlated samples.

d. two-way ANOVA for mixed samples.

21.Refer to Table 1-C. Confederate demeanor is a ______-subjects variable and time is a ______-subjects variable.

a. between; between

b. within; within

c. between; within

d. within; between

22.Refer to Table 1-C. What is the dependent variable in this study?

a. time that positive affect was assessed (before and after the experiment)

b. confederate demeanor

c. positive affect score

d. ethnicity of experimenter

23.Refer to Table 1-C. The main effect for confederate demeanor ____ significant; therefore, we should conclude that

a. is; participants felt more positive affect after interacting with a pleasant confederate versus an unpleasant confederate.

b. is not; participants felt more positive affect after interacting with a pleasant confederate versus an unpleasant confederate.

c. is; there are no differences in positive affect ratings as a function of interacting with a pleasant versus unpleasant confederate.

d. is not; there are no differences in positive affect ratings as a function of interacting with a pleasant versus unpleasant confederate.


For Questions 24 – 25 refer to Table 2-A below.

A researcher wishes to examine whether type of car (Ford, Honda) affects self-esteem of individuals with high self-efficacy and low self-efficacy. The researchers have participants complete a self-efficacy scale prior to being randomly assigned to car (participants will be able to drive this car for the next 3 months). They are later given a self-esteem inventory to complete (scores could range from 1 to 25, higher scores indicate higher levels of self-esteem). The data are reported in the means table below.

Table 2-A:




High Self-Efficacy

M = 8

M = 12

Low Self-Efficacy

M = 12

M = 8

24.Is there a main effect for type of car?

a. Yes, there is a main effect for type of car.

b. No, there is not a main effect for type of car.

c. There is not enough information to make a determination.

25.Is there a main effect for self-efficacy?

a. Yes, there is a main effect for self-efficacy.

b. No, there is not a main effect for self-efficacy.

c. There is not enough information to make a determination.

26.If our IV has no effect, then the F value should be

a. close to zero.

b. close to one.

c. much larger than one.

d. negative.

27.Daisy conducts a study in which a sample of rats receives a high dose of alcohol on one day, a low dose of alcohol on one day, and no alcohol on one day. Each day, she measures the time it takes them to learn a new maze. What statistical technique should Daisy use to analyze her data?

a. Completely randomized ANOVA

b. Repeated-measures t-test

c. Repeated-measures ANOVA

d. Repeated-measures three-factor ANOVA

28.Rich has conducted a study in which he compares the reading skills of 6-year-olds, 7-year-old, and 8-year-olds. What kind of statistical test should Rich use?

a. One-way ANOVA

b. t-test

c. three-way ANOVA

d. Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient

29.A statistical test used to analyze data from an experiment with one independent variable that has three or more groups is known as a

a. two-factor ANOVA.

b. t-test.

c. one-way ANOVA.

d. z-test.

30.Larry conducts an experiment with three groups: (1) writing about traumatic events, (2) writing about happy events, and (3) writing about neutral events. Larry then measures the number of visits each participant makes to the health center over the next six months. Larry gives the participants a pretest regarding their health visits prior to the study so that he can create sets of participants who are equivalent on that variable. Participants are randomly assigned to condition from each set. Larry has used _________ sets.

a. natural

b. independent

c. repeated measures

d. matched

31.A research approach in which the experimenter cannot directly manipulate the IV but can only measure an IV because it is predetermined is known as a(n)

a. case study.

b. true experiment.

c. ex post facto research desgin.

d. participant observation.