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For this assignment, read the situation and choose which disorder…

For this assignment, read the situation and choose which disorder is being described. In a separate document, provide your answers 

1. Amy, a 30-year-old single mother, had a song who was in a tragic accident and died. She said she was okay and appeared to accept the tragic incident reasonably well. The next day no one could find her. She had moved to a town two states away and formed a new identity and a new life. When she was asked about her past, she always drew a blank. Although she acknowledged that this was a bit strange, she did not seem bothered by her lack of memories. 


2. Kyle, a 23-year-old male, feels as if he is always on the “edge of his seat” and as if something bad is going to happen. He also has problems sleeping. Kyle continuously feels nervous and cannot seem to relax. When asked if he is nervous about something in particular he can’t seem to pinpoint the source of his anxiety. 


3. Karissa is a 24-year-old woman who is in a state hospital. She spends all day sitting in front of a TV. She does not blink her eyes even when the channel is changed. She refuses to eat or communicate with anyone. However, if she chooses to eat, she eats in a fashion that is comparable to the way a robot moves. 


4. Marcy, a 28-year-old woman, was offered a job promotion with a substantial raise. However, she declined it because she would have to move her office to the seventeenth floor. She will not consider buying a two-story house and she has never been outside of the country she lives in because she refuses to fly on an airplane; also, she will never climb a tree or ladder.


 5. Amanda realized that she had gotten on the wrong bus and was heading in the opposite direction from where she needed to go. She became so upset that she had an attack in which she felt she could not breathe, got dizzy, and began sweating profusely. She is prone to attacks like these whenever she gets overly stressed. 


6. Mary is a 20-year-old woman who reports she is terrified of eating in public. This fear is so intense that she declines offers to go out to dinner. Her friends do not understand her unwillingness to eat in public and are starting to feel alienated. In addition, she will only go on dates where she does not have to eat. On one occasion, when her parents tried to force her to eat in a public restaurant, she began to sweat & tremble and demanded to be taken home immediately.


 7. If you interacted with Scott briefly, you might think that he is normal. However, once he told you about the government’s plot against him and how he was going to be rescued by some alien friends, you would start to suspect that he is unwell. 


8. Shannon’s mood swings seem to swing abruptly, and she often seems unable to control her impulses. She has had many sexual encounters and often complains of boredom even though she is rarely alone and often caught up in very intense, stormy relationships. Her friends are on edge around her because of her Jekyll & Hyde behavior. 


9. Emmit, who has just suffered a serious knee injury, cannot undergo an MRI because he has an irrational fear of narrow, enclosed spaces. 


10. Frank awoke one morning and suddenly realized that he had another name and a family in another state. He had no idea how he came to be living his present life. 


11. Although Karina was not personally injured in the earthquake, the experience was a terrifying one and her house was badly damaged. She has frequent nightmares about earthquakes and even when awake, she sometimes gets flashes as if she’s reliving the experience. The slightest noise or movement around her causes her heart to pound rapidly. 


12. While teaching class one day, Theresa suddenly begins having difficulty breathing. Her heart starts pounding wildly, and she feels weak and dizzy. She feels as if she’s having a heart attack and is honestly afraid that she’s going to die in the next minute or two.


 13. Although Jack is enjoying watching the football game, he feels oddly detached as though he is watching himself and his actions from outside of his own body. Because this has happened several times recently, Jack is startled for fear that he will totally lose control of this thoughts and behavior. 


14. Sam’s friends are starting to worry about him. Normal energetic and fun-loving, Sam has become withdrawn and sullen. He has lost weight, is constantly tired, and hasn’t been showing up to lacrosse practice or to his fraternity meetings. In his conversations with others, he expresses feelings of doubt and unworthiness and seems to be entertaining suicidal thoughts. 


15. As a baby, Charlie resisted being held and showed no interest in human interaction. Usually passive, he sometimes played with his wind-up toys, but did not respond to his name being called and showed outbursts of temper if someone moved even one of his little cars from where he had placed it.