Answered step-by-step
1. Whats your understanding of the functions of the different lobes…

1. Whats your understanding of the functions of the different lobes of the brain, how might a person be affected by damage to the temporal lobe? Frontal lobe? Occipital lobe? Parietal lobe?


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2. At the time of Gage’s injury, we didn’t have the knowledge we have today about how different parts of our brain are specialized for specific purposes. This unbelievable injury Gage lived from, and lived a pretty normal life after is still crazy to think about. This case showed that the brain isn’t just one piece that works on everything together, but supported the idea that there was different functions in the different parts of the brain. “Prior to this case, the frontal lobes were considered silent structures, without function and unrelated to human behavior. This case was such an important building block for psychology and neuroscience. Even today we continue to learn about his case, and reference it. It also shows us how resilient the brain is. There are still people studying his case, and making mockups of exactly what may have been damaged, and what wasn’t. 


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3. Phineas Gage was a 25 year old American foreman in the railroad construction industry. Gage was supervising rock blasting for the Rutland and Burlington Railroad in Vermont. Explosive powder to do this was located into a hole using an iron tamping rod. While Gage was doing this, the powder went off sending the tamping iron flying out of the hole directly into his face suffering a severe head trauma. Due to this impact, Gage’s behavior after the injury provided credence to the idea that different parts of the brain are responsible for different tasks. Due to his impairment, scientists became aware of the brain’s functions and how the brain plays a role in different functions. 



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4. I really like how detailed you’re, we’re literally telling the story, If people didn’t know about it then this would be a good read quickly. I believe that it is crazy how I was not taught about this before. This is a story that should be told more often, since this did make a great advantage. If you were alive in this time what other question or interest would you have in this specific accident?



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5. The different lobes of the brain are separated into four parts, the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes. The frontal lobe contains the prefrontal cortex and is responsible for organization, judgment, and control. In the Phineas Gage case, he suffered an injury to the frontal lobe and was affected cognitively. He experienced many behavioral changes such as a lack of good judgment and impulsivity issues. According to the textbook, “People with frontal lobe lesions often have difficulty reaching a goal. The parietal lobe’s function is to relay sensory information to the rest of the body. The sensory information that the parietal lobe receives includes touch, pain, taste, and more. If injury or damage were to happen to this part of the brain, then a person may experience a lack of spatial awareness or may not be able to feel differences in temperatures. The occipital lobe is responsible for vision. Therefore, if damaged, a person may have trouble processing visual information. Lastly, the temporal lobe’s function is to process auditory information. A person with damage to the part of the brain may have trouble processing and hearing sounds, which can affect learning and daily life activities.


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6. The cortex has four lobes, the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital. The frontal lobe is not only the largest lobe but it has important functions for our body.  These functions include; language, speech, memory, personality, movement control, and executive functioning skills. The parietal lobe is split into two regions, the superior and inferior. The superior lobe controls functions like motor planning. The inferior lobe controls functions like learning, sensorimotor planning, and spatial recognition. The temporal lobe allows us to recognize visual materials, use our senses, and regulates emotions. The occipital lobe is the smallest lobe, however its role is to process and interpret visual information. If someone had damage in their frontal, parietal, temporal, or occipital lobes, they may experience difficulties with the functions listed above. 


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7. If an individual’s temporal lobe suffers damage, they may encounter challenges with processing auditory and visual stimuli due to the linguistic abilities required to derive meaning and logic from such input. This impairment may also affect the multi-modal processing regions of the brain. On the other hand damage to the frontal lobe can affect more complex tasks, such as planning and organization, which require executive function. A person with such an injury may lack motivation to complete goals.  If the occipital lobe is damaged, the primary visual cortex may also suffer, leading to vision-related difficulties and an inability to process visual information. Lastly, the parietal lobe is linked to sensory abilities such as touch, pain, temperature, limb orientation, and spatial awareness, which are essential for coordinated actions. Understanding the roles of these brain regions helped me comprehend why sensory experiences like taste and smell can trigger memories.