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Tutor: Please provide a detailed answer for a deeper understanding and source of information.


Share and discuss key points of your test development project, including the method (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method), the measurement scale, target test-taker, the approach that would be used to administer the assessment, and any ethical implications that might come into play in the administration or interpretation of its findings.
Discuss whether and how the test questions you’ve shared might be interpreted through a non-biased and God-honoring perspective.
2  sources required


                                                           Test Development Project

The goal of this psychological test is to find out how much mental stress college students are under. Academic stress is an important factor that should be taken into account when judging a student’s mental health as a whole. It is important to know what causes a student’s worry and how it affects them so they can get the tools and help they need to deal with it. The results of this test can be used by college administrators, counselors, and students to learn more about college students’ stress levels, figure out where that stress comes from, and teach good ways to deal with it. Several studies, have shown that stress affects four out of every five college students on a daily basis and that two out of every ten college students have suicidal thoughts because of stress. Because of this, it is very important for schools and students to use indicators of academic stress that are based on both real and theoretical knowledge. To make a test that is dependable, valid, and free of bias, the person who makes it must read the necessary literature, talk to experts in the field, and improve his or her own thinking and observations (Fenn, 2020). College students who are currently enrolled in college will have to take the test. The people taking the test will be told exactly how to answer the questions, and the test will take place in a safe, non-threatening place. Also, qualified and experienced professionals, like counselors, professors, or educational administrators, will give the test. In this psychological test, the Likert Scale will be used to figure out how stressed out the test takers are about school. The Likert Scale is a type of psychological scale that is used to measure how much someone agrees or disagrees with something (Portuguese, 2019). 

The questions on the test will measure how stressed people are in different parts of their lives, such as their physical and mental health, feelings, relationships, academic results, and money worries. There will also be open-ended questions on the test to find out where stress comes from and what it does. A technique called “content validity” will be used to choose the test questions. This method is used to make sure that the test questions measure exactly what they are supposed to measure. 

Criterion validity and a pilot test will be done to make sure that the test is accurate. Criterion validity is a type of validity test that compares the results of the test to a criterion measure, like a questionnaire or an interview. For the trial test, the test will be given to a small group of test takers, and the questions will be checked to see how accurate they are. 



The questions below are about each concept that will be measured or tested on the test:

Q1: On a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed are you in general?

 Q2: How often do you feel like college is too much for you or that you can’t handle it?

 How many hours did you study each week?

 How often do you feel anxious or have a panic attack?

 Q5. How frequently do you feel unable to concentrate or focus on your studies?

 Do you sometimes feel like you’re falling behind in school?

 How often do you feel alone and different from your friends?

 How often do you feel like you can’t keep up with your work?

 Q9: How often do you feel down about your studies or not inspired to finish them?

 Q10: How frequently do you experience financial hardship as a result of the high cost of attending college?

 Q11: Tell me what makes you stressed out in college.

 Q12: Please explain how stress affects your well-being as a whole:

 Q13: Please detail any stress-management practices or tools you use:


The questions in this test are based on the Perceived Stress Scale, which was created by Cohen et al. This scale is intended to assess an individual’s level of stress on a daily basis. The questions in this assessment are intended to assess the stress levels experienced by test takers in various aspects of their lives. The open-ended questions are intended to elicit information about the causes and consequences of stress. The test also includes questions concerning the test takers’ stress management practices and resources. This will provide a more comprehensive understanding of the stress experienced by college students and allow for the development of more effective strategies for managing it.