Answered step-by-step
CHAPTER 3 Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity Factors in Family…

CHAPTER 3 Gender, Culture, and Ethnicity Factors in Family Functioning 


Gender Issues 

53. Which of your parents played a more nurturing role in raising their  children? Did this activity have high or low status in the family? 

54. You often hear the phrase “It’s a guy’s thing.” Discuss a recent incident  you have experienced where gender might have provided an explanation for  the behavior. 

55. How do you experience women who are assertive and driven and men  who are passive and emotionally vulnerable? Take an honest assessment of  your views. How might your thoughts and feelings influence your work as a  therapist? 

56. Did you grow up with same-sex or opposite-sex siblings or both? Where  were you in the birth order? How did these experiences affect your attitudes regarding gender issues? 


Gender, Values, and Power 

57. How was power distributed in your family? Who was in charge of what?  What role did gender play in forming these assignments? What happened within the family if one member tried to step outside of their assigned  gender role? 

58. Did you experience directly or hear about domestic violence growing  up? How did you react? What impact has the experience had on your current primary relationships? Whether from direct experience or from general  awareness, does knowing the gender of the perpetrator and victim influence you in terms of your gender views? How? How might your views on gender  and violence affect your work with female clients? Male clients? 

59. List in two columns the values that had the highest and lowest valences  in your family of origin. Include the following (and any others you wish to  add) in your list. 

 Autonomy          Relationships 

 Nurturance        Dependency 

 Control               Caretaking 




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60. Did your family approve of your behaviors in terms of gender? How did  their approval or disapproval affect you? 

61. Name and describe some ways in which a gender-based rule or sexist  attitude or stereotypic sex role assignment affected the kind of adult you became. 


Gender, Work, and Family Life 

62. Did your mother work outside the home? How did that affect the  distribution of power in the family? 

63. Did your father ever lose a job or suffer significant economic loss? If so,  how did it affect him? Did it affect the distribution of power in the family? If  so, how? 


Gender Role Training 

64. What kinds of toys were you given as a child (e.g., dolls, trucks)? Did  you play with them under a gender schema of what was considered masculine or feminine? To what extent did such play enhance or inhibit  your development from a gender perspective? What kinds of toys will you give your children? Why? 

65. What strengths, if any, have you acquired by bypassing traditional  gender roles? Any special enjoyments from breaking the rules? Any significant mishaps? 

66. To what extent do the following qualities stereotypically attributed to  men characterize the men in your family? What were the consequences to your developmental experience? 

      (a) an antifeminine element, in which young boys learn to avoid in their  own behavior anything considered feminine 

(b) a success element that values competition and winning 

(c) an aggressive element, physically fighting when necessary to defend oneself 

      (d) a sexual element, the belief that men should be preoccupied with sex 

(e) a self-reliant element, calling for men to be independent and self sufficient and not to seek help from others. 


Multicultural and Culture-Specific Considerations 

67. Are there specific groups around whom you feel uncomfortable (gays,  welfare recipients, transsexuals, child molesters, wife batterers, religious groups)? As best you can, trace the origins of those feelings. 

68. Draw a cultural genogram extending over at least three generations,  charting your family’s social, racial, religious, and migration history. 

69. Did you grow up with people culturally and ethnically like yourself? If so, how did that contribute to your stability and sense of belonging? If you  grew up in an environment where you felt different, how did that affect your  sense of yourself and your acceptance by others? 

70. Which social class best describes the one in which you grew up? (Select one) 

Working class Lower middle class Middle class  Upper middle class Upper class 

How does this background affect your attitudes regarding class differences?  Are there areas in your thinking that might affect your ability to work therapeutically with members of classes different from your own? 

71. When and under what circumstances did your family immigrate to this  country? How did this event affect your current attitudes regarding immigration of others? 

72. Family therapists must try to distinguish between a client family’s  patterns that are universal (common to a wide variety of families), culture specific (common to a group, such as African Americans or Cuban  Americans or perhaps lesbian families), or idiosyncratic (unique to this  particular family) in their assessment of family functioning. Identify patterns  in your family that seem universal, culture-specific and idiosyncratic.  Identify any conflicts among these patterns and describe how they affected  you. 

73. Describe how it might feel if you, as a member of the racial or ethnic  majority culture in your area, work as a therapist mostly with minority populations. Or, how do you think that you, as a member of a minority  working mostly with people from the majority culture, will feel. Identify potential obstacles and opportunities that you imagine will be unique to you. 

74. Describe your family’s economic status. How has that status affected  you view yourself and other people?