Answered step-by-step
1) Adaptive functioning is an inability to meet developmental and…

1) Adaptive functioning is an inability to meet developmental and sociocultural standards for personal independence and social responsibility in activities of daily life such as communication, social participation, and independent living.

a. True

b. False


2) Criteria for phobias include:

a. The fear must be irrational

b. The fear must be out of proportion to the potential danger of the feared object/situation

c. the fear is not shared by a significant number of other people

d. A and B ONLY

e. All the above


3) The difference between schizophreniform disorder and brief psychotic disorder is that with schizophreniform disorder symptoms last one to six months while with brief psychotic disorder symptoms of schizophrenia only last one day to one month.

a. True

b. False


4) The cognitive interpretation of psychological disorders revolves around the notion that these disorders are often expressed in distortions of reality.

a. True

b. False


5) Individuals with this disorder have one or more physical symptoms of a medical illness with no organic cause

Group of answer choices
a. Somatic symptom disorders

b. Illness anxiety disorder

c. Conversion disorder

d. Both A and C


6) When a client places feelings and perceptions about an important person in their life on the therapist, allowing for an analysis of the therapist-client relationship as providing clues to important formative relationships in the clients life, this is called

a. Transference

b. Counter transference

c. Free association

d. Rational emotive behavior therapy


7) According to the text, ____ is among the most debilitating and confusing of human emotions.

Group of answer choices
a. Anxiety

b. Depression

c. Mania

d. Discontent


8) ______ models lead to treatment concentrating on “unlearning” unacceptable behavior and learning (or relearning) more acceptable forms of behavior.

a. Behavioral

b. Mental

c. Medical

d. Biological


9) An episode occurring for no apparent reason involving intense fear and anxiety, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and heart palpitations.
a. Panic attacks

b. Manic episode

c. Generalized anxiety

d. Asthma


10) Drugs that produce sensations of well-being are classified as

a. Sedatives

b. Narcotics

c. Stimulants

d. Hallucinogens


11) Mental disorders have a very clear and specific list of symptoms that define them and a clear classification provided by the American Psychiatric Association.

Group of answer choices

a. True

b. False


12) Illness Anxiety, Fictitious Disorder and Conversion Disorder are examples of

Group of answer choices
a. Anxiety Disorders

b. Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders

c. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders

d. Paraphilic Disorders


13) Dissociative fugue is a sudden and temporary loss of memory not attributable to any biological cause.

a. True

b. False


14) Dissociative ____ is a sudden and temporary loss of memory not attributable to any organic cause.

Group of answer choices
a. Amnesia

b. Fugue

c. Identity

d. Memory


15) This personality disorder is marked by a pattern of odd and eccentric behavior with intense discomfort with close relationships and social interactions, often self-isolate

a. Avoidant personality disorder

b. Schizotypal personality disorder

c. Dependent personality disorder

d. Antisocial personality disorder


16) When a therapist exposes a patient to fear- or anxiety-producing stimuli.

a. Exposure therapy

b. Aversive conditioning

c. Rational emotive behavior therapy

d. Rejection therapy


17) Dissociative ___ is a loss of memory characterized by wandering and sometimes assuming a new identity.
a. Fugue

b. Amnesia

c. Identity

d. Memory


18) Compulsions are

a. Behavioral Model

b. Cognitive Model

c. Psychodynamic Model

d. Biospychosocial Model


19) This model focuses on the conflict among the id, ego and superego and uncovering unconscious thoughts, urges and tensions

a. Behavioral Model

b. Cognitive Model

c. Psychodynamic Model

d. Biospychosocial Model


20) All of the following are true about Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) EXCEPT?

a. Used to be categorized as four separate neurodevelopmental disorders in previous editions of the DSM

b. Is diagnosed four times more often in girls than boys

c. It is characterized by persistent, pervasive, and sustained impairments in how an individual interacts with or communicates with others

d. Applied behavior analysis is a widely accepted treatment for ASD


21) The idea that people are influenced by the consequences of their behavior and their immediate environmental circumstances are more relevant than early experiences or psychic conflicts.

a. Behavior modification

b. Free association

c. Transference

d. Desensitization


22) These disorders are characterized by a disruption of one’s consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control and behavior

a. Trauma- and Stressor- Related Disorders

b. Schizophrenia Spectrum and other Psychotic Disorders

c. Dissociative Disorders

d. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders


23) A developmental disorder marked by impairments in cognitive skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic, or mathematical skills.

a. Specific learning disabilities

b. Intellectual disabilities

c. Diminished capacity

d. Increased determinism


24) Disorders marked by a significant departure from average intellectual and adaptive functioning are considered:

a. Atypical behavior

b. Intellectual disabilities

c. Specific learning disabilities

d. Abnormal behavior


25) Bipolar II is characterized by

a. Depression more than mania

b. Mania more than depression

c. Alternating periods of mania and depression

d. Less severe, chronic, long-term depression


26) This form of intervention is designed to shape and establish new behaviors, such as learning to speak and play, and reduce undesirable ones.

a. Applied behavior analysis

b. Learned behavior modification

c. Significant adaptation

d. IDD


27) Hoarding, Trichotillomania, and Excoriation are examples of

a. Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct disorders

b. Dissociative Disorders

c. Anxiety Disorders

d. Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders


28) Defined as guides, or ways of looking at things, ____ tell us what to look for when we’re trying to understand, explain, and define what we mean by mental disorders.

a. Models

b. Structures

c. Examples

d. Ideas


29) Individuals with ____ may display repetitive patterns of behavior, interest, or activity.

a. ASD

b. IDD

c. ADD

c. IP


30) This personality disorder is seen in individuals with excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior

a. Narcissistic personality disorder

b. Schizoid personality disorder

c. Borderline personality disorder

d. Histrionic personality disorder


31) Which of the following symptoms must be present in order to be a diagnosis of major depressive disorder?

a. Depressed Mood and Loss of Interest

b. Depressed Mood and Sleep Disturbances

c. Sleep Disturbances and Persistent Pessimism

d. Persistent Pessimism and Thoughts of Suicide