Answered step-by-step
Use the following research scenario to answer questions 1 – 4. A…

Use the following research scenario to answer questions 1 – 4.

A researcher at a drug treatment center wanted to determine the best combination of treatments that would lead to more substance-free days. This researcher believed there were two key factors in helping drug addiction: type of treatment and type of counseling. The researcher was interested in either residential or outpatient treatment programs and either cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, or client-centered counseling approaches. As new clients enrolled at the center they were randomly assigned to one of six experimental groups. After 3 months of treatment, each client’s symptoms were measured.

1.How many independent variables are there in this study?

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

2.Is this a between-subjects or within-subjects design?

a. Between-subjects

b. Within-subjects

3.What type of design is being used?

a. 2 x 2 Factorial design

b. Correlational design

c. 2 x 3 Factorial design

d. Two-group design

4.What statistical analysis would be used for this study?

a. Two-way ANOVA (Factorial)

b. One-way ANOVA

c. T-test

d. Correlation


Use the following research scenario to answer questions 5 – 8. 

An organizational psychologist is hired as a consultant by a person planning to open a coffee house for college students. The coffee house owner wants to know if her customers will drink more coffee depending on the ambiance of the coffeehouse. To test this, the psychologist sets up three similar rooms, each with its own theme (Tropical; Old Library; or New York Café ) then arranges to have thirty students spend an afternoon in each room while being allowed to drink all the coffee they like. (The order in which they sit in the rooms is counterbalanced.) The amount each participant drinks is recorded for each of the three themes.

5.How many independent variables are there in this study?

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

6.What is the scale of measurement for the dependent variable?

a. Nominal

b. Ordinal

c. Interval

d. Ratio

7.What type of design is being used?

a. Two-group design

b. Multiple-groups design

c. Factorial design

d. Correlational design

8.What statistical analysis would be used for this study?

a. Repeated Measures ANOVA

b. Independent Groups ANOVA

c. T-test

d. Correlation


In this study, a researcher is interested in determining if the type of reinforcement affects the number of books read over the summer. A sample of 12-year-old children (half of them boys and half of them girls) is randomly assigned to receive either candy, money, toys, or nothing for every book read over the summer. The mean number of books read over the summer for each group is listed within each cell. (Note. You will be asked on question 42 to write an APA-format interpretation for the data in this output table. Table 1-A).

Table 1-A:

                                    Type of Reinforcement


              Candy           Money            Toys               None


M = 10

M = 10

M = 10

M = 2

M = 10

M = 10

M = 10

M = 2

11.Consult Table 1-A. This study represents a ________ design.

a. 1 x 1

b. 2 x 2

c. 2 x 4

d. 1 x 6

12.Consult Table 1-A. This study represents a _________ design.

a. completely within-subjects factorial

b. completely between-subjects factorial

c. mixed factorial

d. multiple-independent groups


For Questions 15 – 19 refer to Table 1-B.

In this experiment, Caucasian participants viewed a series of slides in which the faces were sometimes of the same ethnicity as the participant and sometimes of a different ethnicity. In addition, sometimes the faces were smiling and sometimes the faces were frowning. Participants later were given a memory test over the material; the researchers recorded the number of faces in each group that were correctly recalled. Scores could range from 0 (recalled none) to 10 (recalled all correctly).


Table 1-B



                                                             FACIAL EXPRESSION


                                                  FROWNING               SMILING         ROW M

Ethnicity               Own                  8.00                          7.88               7.94

of Face                  Other               2.63                          4.88               3.76

                          COLUMN M          5.32                          6.38              


                                                                                                        Pop. M = 5.85





SOURCE                                  SS                df               MS                   F               p


Ethnicity of Face                     140.28           1          140.28            219.74      .000

Facial Expression                        9.03            1              9.03              23.25      .002

Ethnicity x Expression               11.28          1            11.28                8.34       .023

Residual                                    9.47              7             1.35

15.Refer to Table 1-B. This example represents a

a. one-way ANOVA for independent samples.

b. two-way ANOVA for independent samples.

c. two-way ANOVA for correlated samples.

d. two-way ANOVA for mixed samples.

16.Refer to Table 1-B. Ethnicity of face is a ______-subjects variable and facial expression is a ______-subjects variable.

a. between; betwen

b. within; within

c. between; within

d. within; between

17.Refer to Table 1-B. What is the dependent variable in this study?

a. Ethnicity of face

b. Ethnicity of participant

c. Facial expression

d. Number of faces correctly recalled

18.Refer to Table 1-B. Overall, participants recalled an average of _______ frowns and ________ smiles.

a. 8.00; 7.88

b. 7.94; 3.76

c. 5.32; 6.38

d. 6.38; 5.32

19.Please write a complete APA conclusion for the results from Table 1-B. Please be sure to include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics where appropriate.