Answered step-by-step
QUESTION 10   Term Matching Set: Match the type of psychological…



Term Matching Set: Match the type of psychological disorder with its appropriate scenario.



Specific Phobia



Panic Disorder



Generalized Anxiety Disorder



Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder



Bipolar Disorder



Major Depressive Disorder






Dissociative Identity Disorder



Dissociative Amnesia



Antisocial Personality Disorder



Borderline Personality Disorder



Narcissistic Personality Disorder



Somatic Symptom



Conversion Disorder



For the past 3 weeks, Lauren has been stressed out over her classes and has slept very little.  Yesterday, while taking her General Psychology exam, she became dizzy and lightheaded.  In fact, her heart was racing so fast Lauren thought she was going to die.  What is happening to Lauren? What disorder is characterized by those who have multiple experiences like Lauren?



Justin’s friends think he’s arrogant and self-centered.  All day long, Justin talks about how smart and “dope” he is (Justin thinks he’s pretty “phat”), and how his teachers think he’s the best student they’ve ever known.  In fact, Justin believes he doesn’t have to take exams on time because his teachers will let him take the exams whenever he wants.  What disorder is Justin suffering?



Talia is hearing a voice tell her to do things and the voice is threatening to take over her life. Sometimes, she shuts her eyes and reopens them all of a sudden in the presence of Tanya. During these times, Tanya feels paralyzed and very lethargic, but Tanya feels great. Furthermore, Tanya is very derogatory to Talia and says she needs to have more fun. She wants to drink, party and have fun and Talia is such a “good -girl” always trying to spoil the fun, pretty soon she will take over for good!



When Brian talks he sounds logical on the surface, but what he discusses does not make sense. He does not seem to care about his personal hygiene, and others do not like to be around him because of this.



Marcia is really worried that something is seriously wrong with her health. She finds herself frequently on WebMD attempting to diagnose herself each time she feels an ache or pain. She gets especially worried after she watches “Dr. Oz”; she makes frequent trips to the doctor’s office inquiring about her symptoms.



For the last month, Alicia has withdrawn from friends and family because she feels worthless and unlovable. In addition, she has felt lethargic and has been unable to get out of bed in the morning.  There have also been times where she has considered suicide.  In general, what is Alicia’s disorder?



Last week, John was so energetic that he didn’t sleep for 5 days straight.  He had excessive amounts of energy and felt like he could conquer the world.  However, this week, John has been extraordinarily tired. In fact, he has been sleeping for approximately 16 hours each day.  He has missed most of his classes, and really has no interest in doing anything with his friends or family.



Amanda feels as though some days she cannot control her surroundings and as if her nerves and anger just take over, especially under stress. When something triggers her, she can go from calm to rage in just moments. Raging back, especially at her parents, seems like survival. During her rage, she is never concerned about others feelings it’s all about hurting others the way she has been hurt.



Shawn has just returned from his second tour of duty and today he work up getting out of beg using only one hand. He went into the bathroom attempting to take the cap off the toothpaste with only one hand properly functioning. After some struggle showering and dressing, he walked into the kitchen and his wife asked why his left arm was hanging at his side. He calmly states that he cannot feel his arm. His wife, now quite concerned, says they should go to the doctor. Complying Shawn agrees; however, at the doctor there is no logical medical reason for Shawn’s paralysis, but he swears he cannot use of feel his hand.



Chuck reported having to stop his car often and return to check whether had run over people. He repeatedly checked to see that doors and windows were shut on his house. He knew that his behavior was irrational, but his checking rituals still averaged four hours per day.



Whitney has been arrested five times for petty thefts at various stores around Harrisonburg.  She’s also very good at lying and getting others to believe what she says, which doesn’t bother her one bit.  One of the reasons that Whitney has been in so much trouble since she was 8 years old is that she rarely thinks about the consequences of her actions; rather, she acts on a moment’s notice without thinking about possible long-term effects.  What disorder is Whitney experiencing? 



Rachel is so alarmed by spiders and other insects that she avoids most outdoor activities and even refuses to enter the basement of her house alone.  What disorder has Rachel developed?



Lisa, a first-year student at JMU, complains that she feels nervous and fearful most of the time, but doesn’t know why.  Without warning, her heart begins to pound, her hands get clammy, she loses her concentration, fidgets, has difficulty relaxing, and is constantly worried.  What is Lisa’s disorder?



Karen was in a terrible car accident about six months ago. She was very lucky she was wearing her seatbelt when she was side-swiped by another car at high speeds. Although she suffered only minor scratches, she has no recollection of the accident of even why she was traveling that stretch of road. The doctor believes in time, her memory may return.