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Currently,           percent of children in married-couple…

Currently,          percent of children in married-couple families have a stay-at-home mother.

Group of answer choices




fewer than 25



Mothers who return to work following a brief maternity leave are viewed as _______________ compared with mothers who choose to stay at home.

warmer and more communal
warmer, but less communal
more communal, but less warm
less warm and less communal


According to your text, “opting out” is said to refer to which of the following statement(s)?

All of the above
Highly educated mothers “opting out” of careers to stay at home with their children.
Fathers “opting out” of their traditional gender role of primary provider to become a stay-at-home dad and assume child care responsibilities.
Stay-at-home mothers “opting out” of traditional gender roles and seeking employment outside the home.


Mothers who are employed full-time compared to non-mothers who are employed full-time are:

viewed as less professionally competent and viewed as less nurturing.
viewed as less professionally competent.
none of the above.
viewed as less nurturing.


Research on young women’s attitudes toward maternal employment indicates that:     

Black women desire an earlier return to employment after child rearing than White women do.
none of the above.
women whose mothers were employed earlier in their lives have more positive attitudes.
all of the above.


Research on the division of household labor among wives and husbands shows that:

since the 1970s and 1980s, husbands have decreased their housework participation.
since the 1970s and 1980s, wives have increased their housework participation.
among employed couples, wives spend significantly more time in combined housework and child care activities than do their husbands.
all of the above.


Which of the following statements about group differences in the division of labor is/are correct? 

Fathers focus more on play activities with children.
Lesbian partners are more likely than heterosexual partners to share housework and childcare.
all of the above.
Employed women have a greater share of child care responsibilities than do employed men.


Feminist perspectives suggest that women’s leisure, compared to men’s, is more likely to:

occur in large blocks of time, rather than be fragmented.
none of the above.
all of the above.
be combined with family obligations.


Evidence that the lower a woman’s occupational status and income relative to her husband’s, the more housework she performs best supports the                      explanation of the unequal division of household labor.

time availability
relative power
interrole conflict
gender attitudes


The study that focused on college women’s beliefs about the effects of combining motherhood and employment found that:

Black students are more likely than White students to expect negative consequences.
both Black and White students believe that negative consequences are more likely than positive consequences.
None of the above.
both Black and White students believe that positive consequences are more likely than negative consequences.


Michelle is a single mother who works an eight-hour shift at the local factory. When she gets home she makes dinner for her two children, supervises their homework, prepares their lunches for the next day, and straightens up the apartment. When she gets to bed at 10:00, Michelle is generally exhausted. It is likely that she is experiencing:

interrole conflict.
role overload.


Rosa, a college professor, has been asked to supervise her son’s class outing on Wednesday afternoon. However, she has teaching responsibilities at that time. Which of the following best reflects Rosa’s dilemma?

interrole conflict
role strain


Research suggests that the most important factor predicting role strain for women is whether or not they:

are married.
have children.
are employed.
live in the suburbs.


                    theory best explains role strain whereas                     theory best explains the benefits of combining family and work roles.

Interrole conflict; enhancement
Interrole conflict; gender schema
Role overload; psychoanalytic
Scarcity; enhancement


Due to the major argument she had with her 17-year old son, Karen left for work feeling guilty and inadequate. However, when she arrived at work she received a very positive performance evaluation by her supervisor and then felt much better about herself. This experience best reflects:

the buffering effects of multiple roles.
interrole conflict.
role strain.


Research indicates that high-quality child care does not adversely affect children’s ____________ development.

all of the available answer choices


According to most research, children with employed mothers, compared to those with non-employed mothers are more likely to:

perform poorly in elementary school.
none of the above.
develop significant social problems.
develop less stereotypical attitudes about gender roles.


Daughters of working mothers show:

higher rates of depression.
lower educational aspirations.
higher achievement.
lower self-efficacy.


Which of the following is not a measurement of high-quality child care programs?

teacher training
favorable staff-to-child ratio
cost of the program
appropriate group size


Which of the following statements about parental leave in the U. S. is/are correct?

Federal law applies to all workplaces.
None of the available answer choices
Federal law mandates paid leave of at least 12 weeks.
The U.S. has the most generous leave policy of any industrialized country.


Which of the following statements about the Family and Medical Leave Act is not correct?

It provides for paid leave.
It is applicable only in workplaces with more than 50 employees.
It allows for leave of up to 12 weeks.
It covers both adoption and birth.


Slightly more than ___ percent of employees in the U.S. private sector have access to paid family leave:



“Supermoms” are women who approach family-work coordination by:

cutting back on sleep and leisure in order to handle all role responsibilities.
lowering their housecleaning standards and raising their work performance standards.
reducing their work hours so they can spend more time with their children.
making arrangements with multiple childcare providers so that they can spend more time at work.


Sexual minority women are less likely than heterosexual women to:

experience major transitions in midlife.
none of the above.
search for an independent identity in midlife.
both experience major transitions in midlife and search for an independent identity in midlife.


Criticism of the research on midlife transitions includes all of the following except that:


no homemakers were included in this research.
the experiences of these participants do not reflect the probable midlife experiences of current young women.
the experiences of these participants do not reflect the midlife experiences of women from earlier generations.
the participants were primarily White highly-educated women.