Answered step-by-step
We are working as a methodologist and have been tasked with…
We are working as a methodologist and have been tasked with designing the methods section for a research study. Need an in-depth dive into the design elements of each part of the methods section through your weekly assignments.

Part 1: Introduce your topic and the importance of this topic. Discuss your research briefly, use one or more citations to support that, add your research question,




Research Question:  

1. What is the effect of the amount of sleep on symptoms of depression? 




The obtained data will be evaluated using correlational analysis to identify the association between sleep and depressive symptoms.





Research Design 

1. This study will employ a correlational approach to investigate the association between sleep duration and depressive symptoms. Using standardized measurements, participants will be asked to report on their sleeping patterns and level of depressive symptoms.



Address how you are going to recruit your participants.  

This is a step by step guide…For example First the participants arrive for the study, they are then randomized into groups, then they are asked to wait 5 minutes. This must be detailed. If it helps you to think of it as an instruction guide for someone else to complete the research. You need to be clear.  

The subjects were picked from my family’s household, segregated by gender, and placed in a personal study space.



Where will the data be collected? Town, City, State? A building, a room, a school? Provide details about the setting. Is everyone taking the survey at once, is it a one-on-one interview in a secured location? Think about what you are doing, what would that look like and where? Only information about the location is needed here. If all data collection will be completed online, provide a hypothetical link regarding where the data will be collected from in the study. 

The information will be gathered from internet sources similar to possible household subjects who share ethical values.  




Who are you interested in? Demographics information, age, sex, socio-economic background. Where are these participants from? City and State? Are you randomly sampling or conveniently sampling. How many participants are you looking for (aka sample size)? Any other relevant information to your topic. Are you paying your participants? 

My subjects are from my family’s home of eight individuals, including children and adults ranging in age from two to forty years. I’ll sample at random for the research. One of the children in this group is on the autistic spectrum and has ADHD. There are four male subjects and four female subjects, four children and four adults.




What instrument are you using? Is it a survey, if so where is it from?  If so describe what you are looking for? If you are using a questionnaire, discuss that. If you are doing one on one interview, what type of questions? If you are observing…what are you looking for, these are all instruments and you would need to discuss that. If you are asking participants how they feel, that needs to be scaled, how are you doing that? You should include an in-depth description of the instrument(s) that will be used. If you can find validity and reliability data, report that here as well. 


The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) will be used to measure depressed symptoms, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) will be used to assess sleep quality.











Introduction ?

This is where you introduce your topic, the importance of this topic. Discuss your research briefly, use citation to support that, add your research question, hypothesis and tell your reader what to expect in this paper. See the example below and then erase it once you have written your own introduction. Don’t forget you can’t use quotes, only paraphrasing and citing.  








Research Design?

discuss your chosen methodology and justify why it is the best design for your study. Here is how you can break it down:

Based upon your review of the literature and/or your textbook, which research method would be the best choice?

(e.g., experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, survey, etc.)

Provide AT LEAST one citation that supports your research design choice. For example, if you are using a factorial design, then you must have a citation that states why it is the best choice to answer your research question.


Procedures ?

Address how you are going to recruit your participants.  

This is a step by step guide…For example First the participants arrive for the study, they are then randomized into groups, then they are asked to wait 5 minutes. This must be detailed. If it helps you to think of it as an instruction guide for someone else to complete the research. You need to be clear.  

The participants are chosen from my family’s household, they were separated by gender and put in a personal area for studies. 


Limitations  ?

What are the limitations of your study? List at least 2 possible confounding variables that may need to be controlled for within your experiment. Describe at least one possible threat to validity (usually, this is some sort of limit to the type of research being conducted or problems with your sample size). You can also include any additional limitations that you can think of (remember, this could be hypothetical). 


Ethical Considerations ?

What are the ethical issues with your study? Are you working with children that is an ethical issue, because they are a protected population. You need to discuss the potential of harm from your study, even if it is something minor. You need to discuss IRB and informed consent. You need state that participants will be allowed to leave the study at any time without any consequences. State the importance of the Internal Review Board (IRB) and that you will be seeking approval from the IRB before conducting any data collection.