Answered step-by-step
1. When a normally high-performing employee makes a mistake or has…

1. When a normally high-performing employee makes a mistake or has a bad day, why should his/her manager not commit a fundamental attribution error when trying to understand the cause of the employee’s behavior? If a fundamental attribution error is made, what can be done? Think of all the examples on social media. 


2. Employee training is a major responsibility for most human resource departments. These programs provide employees with the tools they need to accomplish their job duties successfully. Developing a good plan begins with clearly identifying what needs to be achieved and then determining which kind of training is most appropriate. Once the answers to these questions have been identified, firms can ascertain who should conduct the training and how its effectiveness will be measured. According to Jenny Herman of Lowes Hotels, for a training program to be effective, it should incorporate input from people in the field and be used on a pilot basis to work out any kinks before being rolled out to the entire firm. Various tools, including one-on-one relationships, mentoring programs, interactive training, and computer training, can be used. Training is not a one-time event, but an ongoing process. Companies also should implement management development programs to help employees improve their skills and advance their careers. Although an annual review can provide employees with some feedback, Martin Buckingham of Hot Jobs says that he prefers ongoing feedback. Herman claims that at her organization, the management development program focuses on the career plans of employees and the steps managers should take to move toward achieving their goals.


Discussion Questions:

1.    Which of the different types of training would be most effective for companies like Lowes Hotels?

2.    Explain how 360-degree feedback can be used to improve the effectiveness of training in situations like the one at Lowes Hotels.


3. The concept of teamwork is essential to the success of Kluster. The company’s Illuminator project, a community driven product development platform, requires the involvement of many different people. Tom Pasley, the project manager, notes that each individual on the Illuminator team brings a different set of skills to the table. Members meet daily, either electronically or physically, to discuss the project and generate new ideas. According to Pasley, self-management is important to the project’s success. Each person must stay on task and provide feedback to the other members. The graphic designer on the project says that each individual plays a different role. One person provides the voice of reason; a second gives a perspective of how ideas will affect the internal situation. A third member of the team thinks outside the box; a fourth considers the project from a future point of view, and so on. The founder of Kluster, Ben Kaufman, generates many of the ideas for the project, and is the leader of the team. However, engineer, Peter Wadsworth, claims that Kaufman also values the perspectives and inputs of the other team members. Wadsworth notes that self-discipline is important, and that it quickly becomes apparent when someone fails to pull his or her weight. Strong communication skills contribute to the success of the project.


Discussion Questions:

1. Using the textbook, how would you characterize the Illuminator project at Kluster? Is it a group or a team?

2. Use the five dimensions of teams to describe the Illuminator team at Kluster.

3. Considering the keys to successful teams, what would you recommend that Kluster do to ensure that its Illuminator team is successful?


4. The commitment to making the world a better place drives just about everything at Terra Cycle, an eco-friendly company that makes consumer products entirely out of garbage. The company is staffed primarily by young people who share a vision of growing a better world. Founder and CEO Tom Szaky is devoted to the notion of eco-capitalism, which, he argues, involves a business model that differs from those of other companies that claim to be “green.” According to Szaky, other businesses simply take existing practices, look for ways to make them more environmentally friendly, and then pass the additional costs on to consumers. In contrast, eco-capitalism involves completely rethinking the entire process—and doing what is best for the environment—but without charging premium prices. Following this new model requires an organizational culture that demands flexibility from employees along with a willingness to change direction quickly and to occupy multiple roles. According to Albe Zakes, director of public relations, employees at Terra Cycle are given many responsibilities and are empowered to handle them in their own way. He notes that although there is a set of checks and balances in place, it is not unusual for him to hand off a project with only very loose guidelines instructing a subordinate as to what to do. The sense of empowerment is evident in many areas at Terra Cycle, from R&D to production to marketing. Even interns at the company note that they receive far more freedom and responsibility than they would be given at most companies. Inside the graffiti-covered walls of Terra Cycle’s New Jersey headquarters is a scene of organized chaos, and the prevailing feeling is to get done what needs to be done and then move on. There are no rules as to how something is to be completed. Employees figure things out as they go. Zakes believes that the close relationships among employees at Terra Cycle and the shared belief that they are making the world a better place are significant factors in the company’s success.


Discussion Questions:

1. How are the core characteristics of organizational culture displayed at Terra Cycle?

2. Using the discussion of strong versus weak organizational culture as a starting point, how would you describe the organizational culture at Terra Cycle?

3. In which category of the competing values framework, would you place Terra Cycle?