Answered step-by-step
      1-Which of the following is a criteria for being diagnosed…




1-Which of the following is a criteria for being diagnosed with voyeuristic disorder?






Being over the age of 14.





Having sexual fantasies about voyeuristic behavior that result in satisfying sexual release.





Obtaining sexual gratification from exposing one’s genitals to an unwilling observer.





Engaging in voyeurism with a nonconsenting person.











2-Adele, who is six weeks pregnant, just found out that a former male sexual partner was diagnosed with HIV. What should Adele do?






Seek out an abortion, because there is no way to prevent the spread of HIV to an unborn baby.





Get tested for HIV for her own sake, but she does not need to worry about her baby because HIV cannot be transmitted during pregnancy.





Not be concerned, because heterosexual HIV transmission is very rare in developed countries.





Get tested for HIV, because therapies are available to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV and to improve maternal and infant health.











3-Which statement is true of frotteurism?






It can be diagnosed as a disorder if the sexual urges or behavior persist for at least 1 month.





A person who engages in frotteurism may incorporate the mental images of the action into masturbation fantasies.





Men and women are equally likely to engage in frotteurism.





People who engage in frotteurism as an adolescent are likely to commit rape as an adult.











4-The 1970 United States Commission on Obscenity and Pornography recommended:






prosecuting pornography vigorously and prohibiting “dial-a-porn” telephone services.





expanding laws prohibiting access to pornography for adults.





repealing all laws prohibiting access to pornography for adults.





legalizing child pornography.











5- Which of the following statements regarding BDSM bondage is true?






Bondage is a form of exhibitionist behavior.





Bondage is illegal in all circumstances and can be prosecuted as a sexual offense.





Bondage involves being tied up, spanked, or whipped for sexual gratification.





Engaging in bondage is considered a mental disorder because of the potential for it to cause severe psychological distress.











6-Which is the most appropriate term to capture the phenomenon of associating sexual expression with pain and power dynamics?






bondage and discipline.





dominance and submission.





















7-In addition to the psychological impact of rape, physical symptoms frequently include:






nausea, headaches, and gastrointestinal problems





genital sensitivity, headaches, and sleep improvement





weight gain, insomnia, and sensitivity to light





genital injuries, pelvic inflammatory disorder, and loss of taste











8- Hormonal methods of birth control:






are considered irreversible.





may increase risk of blood clots and/or stroke in some women.





are a very infrequently used method of contraception.





adversely affect the health of most women who take them.











9-Jackie finds it sexually arousing when her partner causes her pain. Jackie is engaging in:
































10-Which statement about the link between pornography and sexual assault is true?






There is no correlation between watching violent pornography and sexual coercion.





There is a strong association between watching violent pornography and engaging in sexual coercion.





There is a strong association between watching any type of pornography and engaging in sexual coercion.





Exposure to violent pornography is associated with a reduced acceptance of rape myths.











11-Which statement is true of the vaginal ring?






The ring can remain in place during intercourse, or it can be removed for up to 3 hours without reducing its contraceptive effectiveness.





It is worn inside the vagina for 1 week, then removed for 3 weeks.





The hormones in the ring work differently than oral contraceptives to prevent pregnancy.





It provides effective protection against STIs.











12-Which statement is true oforal-genital stimulation?






It is more common among younger rather than older teens.





It is considered coital sex.





It is rarely reported by individuals younger than 20.





It is a common behavior of older teens.











13-Child sexual abuse in the United States:






is more likely to be reported than many other crimes.





affects up to 33% of girls and as many as 16% of boys.





has been increasing in prevalence in the last 20 years.





rarely if ever involves male victims.











14-How is cohabitation defined?






living together in a sexual relationship without being married





living with someone, whether in a sexual relationship or not, in order to share expenses and companionship





living together in a sexual relationship after marriage





living in a codependent relationship











15-Women have a higher risk of being victims of rape if they are:






of Native American or Alaska Native background.





of higher socioeconomic status.





of Hispanic or Asian background.





not users of drugs and/or alcohol.











16-The earliest signs of puberty for a girl are usually:






a growth spurt and increase in vaginal secretions.





breast budding and growth of pubic hair.





an increase in vaginal secretions and change in vaginal acidity.





menarche and increased body fat.











17-Georgia used to be a streetwalker, but now she works in a brothel. Compared to when she was on the street, Georgia now is:






more likely to be arrested.





more likely to be assaulted by a customer.





more likely to feel safe.





likely making significantly less money.











18-Across the world, the highest rates of abortion are found in countries that:






provide comprehensive sex education in public schools.





provide easy access to inexpensive or free birth control and emergency contraception.





assist mothers by providing maternity leave, health care, education and training, and an adequate minimum wage.





severely restrict abortion and provide fewer social services for mothers.











19-Atypical sexual behavior may be more prevalent among men because:






men are socially conditioned to be more free regarding their range of sexual expression than women.





of the somewhat biased nature of differential reporting and prosecution.





men are much more likely than women to have dysfunctional relationships with their mothers, which may result in atypical sexual behavior.





men are under the influence of greater amounts of testosterone than women.











20-What is one reason that aging in the U.S. is often associated with sexlessness?






The majority of older people no longer want or enjoy sexual contact.





There is an increasing focus on the value of older people in U.S. culture.





There is an attitude that older people have sexual needs but they should not be discussed openly.





Many people still equate sex with procreation.











21-Vasectomy involves cutting and closing the:






corpus cavernosum.










vas deferens.





fallopian tubes.











22-For several months following the birth of a baby, many women find that sexual desire and frequency:






increase significantly





increase slightly





return to the same level they were prior to pregnancy














23-Frequency of sexual activity for those who continue to be sexually activetypically begins to decrease significantly after the age of: