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I will be running MLR and assumption test and I have problem…

I will be running MLR and assumption test and I have problem transforming my data into variables. 



Independent Variables:  
Demographics- This includes the categories of age range, gender, highest level of education, and current employment status that are used to describe the participants in survey. This is INDEPENDENT VARIABLE number 1? Am I correct?


This is the answer I got from previous post asking for independent variable that I need explanation to —-> “Social Support – This is the set of 6 questions that assess the participant’s level of social support. Responses to these questions will be used to measure the level of social support that a participant has.”

Which 6 questions are assessing participants level of support? As there are 12 and I am confused. Which 6 questions would be INDEPENDENT variable here? IMPORTANT PLEASE HELP



Mental Wellbeing – This is the set of 5 questions that assess the participant’s mental wellbeing. Responses to these questions will be used to measure the overall mental wellbeing of the participant. So this is my 3rd INDEPENDENT variable. Am I correct?


Overall mental wellbeing score – This is the score derived from the responses to the Mental Wellbeing questions (5 questions at the end of my survey). This score will be used to measure the overall mental wellbeing of the participant. So this is my DEPENDENT variable. Am I correct?





1. Demographic Questions: 

a. What age range group do you fit into from the following? (Below 18, 18 – 24, 25 – 34, 35 – 44, 45 – 54, 55 – 64, Above 65)
b. What gender do you identify as? (Male, Female, Trans-gender, Non-binary, Prefer not to answer, Other)
c. Please select the highest level of education that you have attained? (Doctorate degree, Master’s degree, Bachelor’s degree, Associate degree, Trade/technical/vocational training, High school/college graduate diploma or equivalent, Some high school, Other, Prefer not to say)
d. Which of the following best describes your current employment status? (Full-time employment, Part-time employment, Unemployed, Student, Inability to work, Prefer not to say)

2. Social Support (ISEL):

Instructions: This scale is made up of a list of statements each of which may or may not be true about you. For each statement circle “definitely true” if you are sure it is true about you and “probably true” if you think it is true but are not absolutely certain. Similarly, you should circle “definitely false” if you are sure the statement is false and “probably false” if you think it is false but are not absolutely certain.

If I wanted to go on a trip for a day (for example, to the country or mountains), I would have a hard time finding someone to go with me.

1.definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

I feel that there is no one I can share my most private worries and fears with.

1.definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true 

If I were sick, I could easily find someone to help me with my daily chores.

1.definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

There is someone I can turn to for advice about handling problems with my family.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

If I decide one afternoon that I would like to go to a movie that evening, I could easily find someone to go with me.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

When I need suggestions on how to deal with a personal problem, I know someone I can turn to.
definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true
I don’t often get invited to do things with others.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

If I had to go out of town for a few weeks, it would be difficult to find someone who would look after my house or apartment (the plants, pets, garden, etc.).
definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true
If I wanted to have lunch with someone, I could easily find someone to join me.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

If I was stranded 10 miles from home, there is someone I could call who could come and get me.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

If a family crisis arose, it would be difficult to find someone who could give me good advice about how to handle it.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

If I needed some help in moving to a new house or apartment, I would have a hard time finding someone to help me.

1. definitely false 2. probably false 3. probably true 4. definitely true

Self Report Measures for Love and Compassion Research: Social Support


Items 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 12 are reverse scored.

Items 2, 4, 6, 11 make up the Appraisal Support subscale Items 1, 5, 7, 9 make up the Belonging Support subscale Items, 3, 8, 10, 12 make up the Tangible Support subscale.

All scores are kept continuous.


3. Mental Wellbeing (WHOQOL-BREF):

Please respond to each item regarding how you felt in the last two weeks.

Over the past two weeks …


1.I have felt cheerful in good spirits. 

(All of the time/ Most of the time/ More than half the time/Less than half the time/ Some of the time/ At no time)


2. I have felt calm and relaxed. 

(All of the time/ Most of the time/ More than half the time/Less than half the time/ Some of the time/ At no time)


3. I have felt active and vigorous.

(All of the time/ Most of the time/ More than half the time/Less than half the time/ Some of the time/ At no time) 


4.I woke up feeling fresh and rested.

(All of the time/ Most of the time/ More than half the time/Less than half the time/ Some of the time/ At no time)


5. My daily life has been filled with things that interest me.

(All of the time/ Most of the time/ More than half the time/Less than half the time/ Some of the time/ At no time)