Answered step-by-step
1- The SCN acts on this information by signalling the________,…

1- The SCN acts on this information by signalling the________, located in the centre of the brain.

a. hippocampus

b. central lobe

c. pineal gland

d. adrenal gland


2- All of the following statements are true of shift workers, except that

a. they have more digestive problems.

b. they perk up during their subjective night.

c. they use more caffeine and alcohol.

d. they sleep fewer hours.


3- As a person shifts from a waking state to being asleep,

a. heart rate gradually increases.

b. blood pressure rapidly increases.

c. brain activity decreases.

d. respiration rates increase slowly.


 4- Which of the following occurs during REM sleep?

a. slower and irregular respiration

b. lower blood pressure

c. paralysis of the large muscles

d. decreased brain activity


5- Which age group has the most difficulty sleeping, the most awakenings, and the lightest sleep?

a. infants

b. young adults

c. adolescents

d. the elderly


6- Which age group gets the most sleep in a typical 24-hour cycle?

a. adults

b. infants and young children

c. the elderly

d. teenagers


7- Which type of sleep seems to aid in learning and memory in humans and other animals?

a. Stage 2

b. REM sleep

c. Stage 1

d. Stages 3 and 4



8- Two of the most common themes of dream content are

a. being chased and sexual experiences.

b. illness of a loved one and death.

c. failing an exam and flying.

d. being attacked and falling


9- Freud emphasized the ________ content of dreams, which he claimed revealed the hidden and repressed desires of the unconscious.

a. manifest

b. ulterior

c. intrinsic

d. latent


10- Behaviours and other states that usually occur only when you are awake are called ________ if they occur when you are asleep.

a. insomnias

b. parasomnias

c. sleep apneas

d. narcolepsies


11- If awakened during a sleep terror, a child

a. will not be able to enter REM sleep again that night.

b. will not recall anything they are thinking about.

c. may develop a fear of being awakened a night.

d. may recall a single frightening image.


12- Our overall impression or judgment of another person is influenced more by the first information we receive about the person than by information that comes later. This phenomenon is called the

a. person-perception effect.

b. naive-subject effect.

c. primacy effect.

d. first-person effect.


13- Attributions try to

a. counter the importance of first impressions.

b. account for our actions in ambiguous situations.

c. explain to others what it is we are doing.

d. explain behaviour.


14- Theo just received the Awesome Award for Intro Psych teaching. It was a very tough competition, and he thought he would not win. During his acceptance speech, he stressed how his hard work, special skills, and intelligence made him the winner. He did not thank his students or his colleagues who supported him. What kind of attribution error did Theo probably make during his speech?

a. actor-observer bias

b. self-serving bias

c. ambitious attribution error

d. fundamental attribution error


15- The fundamental attribution error refers to our tendency to

a. overestimate the role of traits and underestimate the role of situations in causing the behaviour of others.

b. overestimate the role of situations in causing our own behaviour.

c. overestimate the role of situations and underestimate the role of traits in causing the behaviour of others.

d. give ourselves more credit for our success than we really deserve.


16- A theorist’s suggestion that Shefali and Samir will more than likely marry each other because they live within a 10-kilometre distance from each other, even though they do not know each other at this time, employs which of the following theories of attraction?

a. similarity

b. primacy effect

c. proximity

d. attractiveness


17- Theo is very attractive, which leads others to believe he is also kinder, more responsible, and more intelligent than he really is. What is the name of this effect?

a. the matching hypothesis

b. the halo effect

c. the mere-exposure effect

d. cognitive dissonance


18- A student wanted to be granted an extension for her term paper. She asked the professor to read over rough draft of her introduction. After he had done so, she asked him for an extension. She is attempting to use the

a. lowball technique.

b. the successful student technique.

c. the foot-in-the-door technique.

d. the door-in-the-face technique.


19-  Which strategy would involve trying to gain compliance by making a large request that you know will be refused before coming back with a more reasonable request?

a. obedience technique

b. ingratiation technique

c. foot-in-the-door technique

d. door-in-the-face technique


20- Students often report that when they work in a group, someone will not do their part to complete the group project. The person not doing enough to help the group is engaged in:

a. social loafing.

b. social facilitation.

c. group polarization.

d. social inaction.


21- Group discussion often results in members of a group shifting to a more extreme position in whatever direction they were leaning initially. What is this phenomenon called?

a. group polarization

b. groupthink

c. social loafing

d. social facilitation


22- To guard against groupthink, what should we not do?

a. Encourage strong group identity.

b. Encourage open discussion of different views.

c. Have an outside expert give their opinion.

d. Promote objections to suggested ideas.


23- According to one theory, when we say one thing but do another, or discover inconsistencies in our attitudes, we

a. experience cognitive dissonance.

b. exaggerate our tendencies for self-confirmation.

c. become more resistant to persuasion.

d. reduce cognitive dissonance.


24- All of the following are ways to reduce cognitive dissonance, except

a. explaining away the inconsistency.

b. changing a behaviour.

c. changing an attitude.

d. strengthening the attitude and behaviour.


25- Which of the following is an example of discrimination?

a. Justine was promoted because the firm needed one French-speaking manager.

b. Olga’s salary is $5000 less than that of her male counterpart.

c. Denise thinks all whites are racists.

d. Bill can’t stand Arabs.


26- According to realistic conflict theory, prejudice is

a. more prevalent in good economic times, because people focus on material acquisitions rather than on human values.

b. fairly consistent regardless of societal or economic circumstances.

c. less evident in hard times because need draws people closer together.

d. more evident in times of economic hardship because increased competition contributes to prejudice.


27- From the in-group perspective, out-group members are

a. viewed as more diverse and individual than are in-group members.

b. viewed as not being worthy of membership in the in-group.

c. often liked as individuals.

d. assumed to possess desirable traits.


28- Stereotypes are widely shared beliefs about the characteristics of various social groups that

a. are always negative.

b. are always positive.

c. may be negative or positive.

d. are neither positive nor negative.


29- This experimenter studied social roles

a. Milgrim

b. Bandura

c. Zimbardo

d. Asch


30- This experimenter studied compliance

a. Milgrim

b. Bandura

c. Zimbardo

d. Asch


31- This experimenter studied conformity

a. Milgrim

b. Zimbardo

c. Bandura

d. Asch


32- This experimenter studied social learning

a. Milgrim

b. Zimbardo

c. Bandura

d. Asch